Compliance at FORVIA HELLA

Compliance is an essential part of FORVIA HELLA’s corporate culture and is the foundation to sustaining successful business activities. It also means acting with integrity and as a role model. Our ambition is that all employees adhere to the applicable laws and internal rules and that they act with integrity and that integrity is the basis for their actions. To ensure compliant behavior worldwide, we have established a group-wide compliance organization and compliance system.

Code of Conduct

tellUS! Portal

With the tellUS! Portal, we offer employees and other associates all over the world the chance to report a potential breach of regulations securely and confidentially at anytime and anonymously if they wish. We ask reporting persons to always use the system responsibly and only use it when talking face to face personally with the direct FORVIA HELLA contact person is out of the question.
Submitted reports are immediately handled by the Compliance Office and further specialist departments as needed.


tell us

Policies & Statements

Compliance is incorporated into business via several Policies. In this section you will find more details.

Human Rights Policy

FORVIA HELLA´s Human Rights Policy serves to prevent human rights and environmental violations in our activities. We have developed a human rights and environment due diligence approach with which risk analyses are conducted, measures are implemented and processes are adapted to the principles in this policy.

Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety Policies
Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety Policies