Company / 24.03.2023
Company / 24.03.2023

Plant greens and cultivate the next generation: FORVIA establishes its first Green IT Classroom in Zhangzhou, Fujian


Shanghai, 24 March 2023. The world's seventh largest automotive technology supplier FORVIA has founded the first Green IT Classroom in the Zhangzhou, Fujian province. The FORVIA Green IT Class-room project is a public welfare project jointly organized by FORVIA and the social en-terprises Maverlinn and NETSPRING, aiming to provide computers and long-term soft-ware and hardware maintenance to support and enrich school computer teaching. Against this backcloth, FORVIA donated 35 recycled computers and other teaching ma-terials to Zhangzhou Punan Central Primary School. While improving students’ experi-ence in the classroom, it also helps to open a window for the students.

Zhangzhou Punan Central Primary School is located in the outskirts of the city, with a total of 240 students. To create an opportunity for the school children to obtain more educational resources, FORVIA has created a "Green IT Classroom" and an "Innovative Art Classroom" in the school, so that children can learn about the outside world through computers and the Internet, satisfying the needs for knowledge, and connecting with their family members.

For FORVIA, Fujian is also one of the provinces with important market significance. Both Faurecia and HELLA have set up sites in Xiamen, and have conducted in-depth commu-nication on technology, customers, and business accesses, expanding the synergy en-ergies to deliver localized products across China and to the world. During this event, 20 volunteers from Faurecia Clarion Electronics (Xiamen) Co. Ltd. and HELLA (Xiamen) Electronics Device Co., Ltd. took part in the project and gave a special computer lesson to the students, teaching them to use computers and to make artworks out of waste materials. In this way, they intend to stimulate their imagination, creativity, and aware-ness of environmental protection. This is also the first time that employee volunteers from Faurecia and HELLA in China have jointly participated in a CSR project.

It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to nurture talents, both of which involve a similar discipline. In the springtime during March, the best time of the year for planting trees, FORVIA also planted a sweet-scented osmanthus plant at the school to-gether with children at the unveiling ceremony, also showing hope for the future. FORVIA looks forward to the blooming of the osmanthus tree this autumn and to wit-ness the growth of the students.

“I am delighted to see the first landmark of FORVIA Green IT Classroom in Fujian, which enables more children to see a wider and more wonderful world and to have more opportunities for development through the internet and computers”, says Mrs. Kathy Sun, Vice President of Faurecia Asia Human Resources. “Through public welfare pro-jects such as green computer classrooms, employees of Faurecia and HELLA can strengthen their connections and enhance communication. I believe that with the sup-port of all parties, we can see the FORVIA Green IT Classroom project grow and develop further, which will enable more young students to brave the wind and waves in the digi-tal ocean.”

“Through this donation initiative, we hope to spread more positive energy and actively fulfill our corporate social responsibility and commitment while contributing to the cause of education in China”, says Marcel Wiedmann, Managing Director of HELLA Cor-porate Center Asia and Executive Vice President of HELLA Finance and Controlling Chi-na. “HELLA is delighted to be working with Faurecia on this public welfare program un-der the umbrella brand FORVIA, which reflects HELLA's and Faurecia's strong identifica-tion with the ESG concept.”

The first FORVIA Green IT Classroom set up in Zhangzhou Punan Central Primary School also marks the tenth Green IT Classroom established by Faurecia. Since 2013, the pro-ject has spread across Shanghai, Suzhou, Macheng in Hubei, Chengdu, Liaoyuan in Jilin, Chongqing, Fengcheng in Jiangxi, Liuzhou in Guangxi and Zhangzhou in Fujian, providing a total of 270 recycled computers and benefiting more than 6,500 students. The project has received a positive response from internal employees and partners, with two hun-dred volunteers taking part in. This year, Faurecia and HELLA, under the umbrella brand FORVIA, will continue to help children in schools in underdeveloped areas of China mas-ter basic computer and network skills, bridging the digital divide in education. At the same time, Faurecia and HELLA are committed to promoting a circular economy and fulfilling the group's commitment to sustainable development through computer recy-cling and eco-friendly refurbishment of computers.


Daniel Morfeld
Spokesperson / Media Relations
Rixbecker Str. 75
59552 Lippstadt
Phone: +49 2941 38-7566
Fax: +49 2941 38-477545
