
Volkswagen Touareg - The engine malfunction indicator light is activated | HELLA



Model year: from 2007

Engine: 3.0 TDI

Engine is rough idling and running irregularly

The engine malfunction indicator light is activated.

If customers complain that the engine is losing power and the engine malfunction indicator light is activated for this vehicle, and that the motor is rough idling and running irregularly, this could possibly be caused by 'wear in the actuating drive of the throttle valve'.

The following error codes may be saved in the 'engine' system's event memory.

Error code `the same as`:

- P1580, (17988) `Throttle valve actuating drive malfunction`.

The cause of this error on vehicles with the above engine type (common rail diesel engine/Volkswagen), is not necessarily mechanical clamps or coking in the throttle valve area, but can be caused by extreme wear on the drive pinion (plastic pinion) of the actuating drive. The wear results in loss of adhesion, meaning that the throttle valve can no longer follow the control unit controls.

The actuating drive can be visually inspected by dismantling the cover. When wear is visible, the complete throttle valve piece must be replaced including the throttle valve and actuating drive.

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