
Vauxhall Astra J - Engine control lamp lights up sporadically | HELLA

Vauxhall Astra J

Engine code: A16LET

Model year 2010

Engine control lamp lights up sporadically

Error code: P0030, P0036, P0053, P0054, P0135

Various oxygen sensor errors

If the defect described above is determined in conjunction with various error codes associated with the lambda sensors upstream and downstream of the catalytic converter, the cause could be the ingress of moisture into the engine wiring harness. The resulting corrosion on the plug connections can trigger the various error entries. A critical point which is generally diagnosed as the cause is the plug connection on the thermostat.

As part of the fault diagnostic process on these vehicle models, the wiring harness should be checked; if necessary, replace the thermostat and the associated connector.

Repair note

The problem has been detected by the vehicle manufacturer and prevented by a technical change in production effective from model year 2011.

Please observe the vehicle manufacturer's repair and maintenance instructions in this regard.

This defect may also occur in other models from this manufacturer with the same engine.

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