
Renault Espace IV - Discharged battery, engine does not start | HELLA


Espace IV

Motor: 2.0 dCI

Model year: 2012 - 2015

All models with automatic transmission

Discharged battery, engine does not start

If the above-mentioned problem is detected, a possible cause may be a faulty heater fan control relay.

This means that, even after the ignition has been switched off, the blower motor of the air-conditioning system can continue to run until the battery is completely discharged.

In this case, the faulty relay is to be replaced by a relay modified by the vehicle manufacturer (OE no. 7700844682).

Repair notes

In order to exclude other possible causes of malfunction, electrical and mechanical system tests (in accordance with vehicle manufacturer specifications) and also an error code query using a suitable diagnostic unit should be carried out. (Error codes have not been stored in the engine control unit)

Before the relay is used, first perform a visual inspection of the relay socket to check for contamination and damage and, if necessary, clean it with suitable cleaning agents. Alternatively, if damage has occurred, replace it in accordance with vehicle manufacturer's instructions.

When connecting the relay, make sure that it is correctly seated in the relay socket.

Finally a test drive should be undertaken in order to run a check on the repair work.


Please always observe the repair and maintenance notes provided by the vehicle manufacturer when carrying out such work.

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