Porsche Cayenne: Error code: 16864/P0480 and vehicle does not start
Data sheet | |
Manufacturer | Porsche |
Vehicle model | Cayenne |
Engine | 4.5L V8 | M48/00 and M48/50/S |
Year of manufacture | 2003 to 2007 |
Symptom | Error code: 16864/P0480 - "Radiator fan control 1, electrical fault" | Vehicle does not start | Battery has had deep discharge |
Porsche Cayenne: Error code: 16864/P0480 - "Radiator fan control 1, electrical error”
If the above defect is detected, it may be related to a defective radiator fan module. Only affects vehicles with two fan motors (dual fan module).
The cause here is contamination in the control unit, which leads to automatic switching on and off and unusually long running times for the electric fan motors.
According to the vehicle manufacturer, the complete dual fan module must be replaced. Charge and check the vehicle battery and replace it if necessary. Delete error memory entries.
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