
Kia Rio - Engine warning light comes on | HELLA



All models, 2000 - 2004

Fluctuating engine speed.

Engine warning light comes on.

If a problem is indicated by the engine warning light in the above vehicles the customer also complains about a fluctuating engine speed, a possible cause may be a loose connection at the throttle valve potentiometer.

To remedy this problem, first the connector pins on the throttle valve potentiometer and in the wire harness multi-plug should be visually inspected and cleaned.


The voltages at the throttle valve potentiometer terminals should be checked as follows:

- Potentiometer at ground terminal: approx. 0V.

- Potentiometer at power supply: approx. 5V

- Potentiometer signal terminal: variable voltage depending on the position of the throttle valve.

If the sensor is faulty, it must be replaced. Vehicle-specific sensors can be found within the Hella program.

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