
Kia Cee-d - Airbag malfunction indicator light is lit | HELLA



Hatchback VIN number: U5YFF24428L 096498

Hatchback VIN number: U5YFF23238L 006322

If a customer complains about the above error, this could be caused by a defective plug connection. The following fault codes, among others, may be stored: B 1353 and B 2500. Due to a fault on the male connector housing of the wiring harness, this is not engaging correctly in the airbag control unit. In this case, the connector must be checked and replaced if necessary. The airbag control unit is located below the centre armrest.


When installing the new male connector housing, make sure it locks correctly. Delete the stored error codes.

Before carrying out the repair, the system must be switched to tension-free mode for at least five minutes, otherwise there is a risk of voltage peaks. If the manufacturer number "C2" is printed on the male connector housing, the male connector housing must be replaced. This can be ordered under part number 917101H010FFF.

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