E-charging cable

In the era of the mobility transformation and automated driving, workshops are facing major challenges: Vehicles with e-drives require different components, services and support, which increases the demands placed on everyday work in workshops.


As the workshop's friend and a wholesale partner, HELLA offers comprehensive product and service solutions for e-mobility. That starts with products: the variety of HELLA charging cables available offers the best possible flexibility with the charging performance and area of application. They enable compatibility with all plug-in hybrids and fully electric cars with a type 2 or CCS2 plug-in system.


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  • HELLA offers solutions for charging at home, in semi-public areas and in public spaces.
  • HELLA's wide range of EV charging cables offers user-oriented solutions for AC charging that are not only tailored to the vehicle, but also to the application in which the car is to be charged


Universaldele - reservedele, der ikke er modelspecifikke

Universaldele - reservedele, der ikke er modelspecifikke

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