2025-02-05 Techniek & producten

FORVIA HELLA breidt de SlimLine-productfamilie uit: introductie van de LED-combinatielamp

  • Vanaf nu wordt de SlimLine productserie aangevuld met een veelzijdige LED combinatielamp
  • De nieuwe LED-combinatielamp presenteert zich in een moderne, rechthoekige vormentaal en combineert drie verlichtingsfuncties in één product
  • Met de nieuwe LED-combinatielamp zijn nu alle relevante koplichtfuncties van de SlimLine-serie afgedekt

2024-07-17 Techniek & producten

Personalisatie naar een nieuw niveau: FORVIA HELLA en Audi zetten nieuwe trend met digitaal koplampconcept voor Q6 e-tron

  • Digitale dagrijlicht-matrix biedt eindgebruikers de mogelijkheid om hun favoriete digitale lichtsignatuur te kiezen uit maximaal acht vooraf ingestelde designs
  • Het uiterlijk van de Matrix LED-koplampen kan dus in hoge mate worden gepersonaliseerd

2024-06-11 Company

125 years of FORVIA HELLA: from a lamp manufacturer in Lippstadt to a global technology leader

  • 11 June 1899: Foundation of the "Westfälische Metall-Industrie Aktien-Gesellschaft" and start of the company's rise to an industrial enterprise
  • Technological strength as a common thread: from the "System Hella" acetylene lamp as the first pioneering innovation to the digital headlamp SSL | HD
  • The electronics business: Launched with the first fully electronic indicator unit in 1965, today a leader in many products for autonomous driving and electromobility
  • Since 2022: company of the FORVIA Group, the seventh largest supplier of automotive technology worldwide

2024-04-02 Company

MAHLE and FORVIA HELLA successfully complete the sale of their shares in joint venture BHTC

  • MAHLE and FORVIA HELLA successfully transfer their respective 50 percent stakes to AUO Corporation
  • Sale of shares is the result of constructive discussions between the two companies against the background of a change of control clause in the joint venture agreement

2024-03-15 Company

Fiscal year 2023: FORVIA HELLA increases sales and improves profitability

  • Currency-adjusted sales increase by 12.7 percent to €8.1 billion; operating income margin improves by two percentage points to 6.1 percent; net cash flow in relation to sales at 2.6 percent
  • Company outlook for 2023 reached: adjusted sales, operating income margin and net cash flow in relation to sales within target corridors
  • Lighting with high sales growth and significantly improved profitability; Electronics with good demand for solutions for automated driving and electrification; solid spare parts, workshop and commercial vehicle business
  • Continuation of the established dividend policy: Dividend of €0.71 per share proposed
  • Outlook for 2024: slight improvements in sales, earnings and net cash flow expected in a persistently volatile market environment

2024-03-05 Techniek & producten

FORVIA HELLA ontvangt verdere serieorders voor digitaal Smart Car Access-systeem

  • Smart Car Access-systeem maakt handenvrije toegang tot het voertuig mogelijk met een smartphone; voorkomen van relay-aanvallen dankzij ultrabreedbandtechnologie
  • NCAP-relevante veiligheidsfunctie "Child Presence Detection" wordt voor het eerst op de markt gebracht op UWB-basis.
  • Het systeem herkent de geringste bewegingen en ademhaling van kinderen en informeert achtergelaten kinderen via een smartphone
  • Nieuwe functies kunnen worden geleverd door middel van software-updates; hogere kostenefficiëntie en CO2-reductie door gebruik te maken van reeds geïnstalleerde hardware

2024-02-16 Company

FORVIA HELLA: Preliminary figures for 2023 and outlook for 2024 published, competitiveness program for Europe announced

  • Currency and portfolio-adjusted sales of € 8.1 billion in fiscal year 2023; operating income margin improves to 6.1 percent; net cash flow to sales ratio of 2.6 percent
  • All Business Groups with higher sales and improved profitability
  • Order intake of around € 11 billion, including for Smart Lights, 77 GHz radar sensors, battery electronics and Smart Car Access systems
  • Cost synergies from cooperation within the FORVIA Group of € 190 million, more than half is attributable to FORVIA HELLA
  • Company outlook for 2024 forecasts slight improvements in a challenging market environment; program to sustainably strengthen competitiveness in Europe

2024-02-07 Company

Philippe Vienney appointed new Chief Financial Officer of FORVIA HELLA

  • Philippe Vienney takes over CFO role as of 1 March 2024 and, in this function, becomes a member of the Management Board
  • Vienney has many years of management experience in Finance & Controlling, including as CFO of the FORVIA Business Group Clean Mobility

2024-01-10 Techniek & producten

HELLA en TÜV Rheinland: Nieuwe "Traffic Rule Engine" software voor autonome voertuigen

  • Softwaremodule kent de geldende lokale verkeersregels en zorgt er zo voor dat autonome voertuigen zich volgens de regels gedragen 
  • In vergelijking met gesloten systemen kan de "Traffic Rule Engine" continu worden bijgewerkt via over-the-air updates
  • HELLA richt zich op de softwareontwikkeling en de database, TÜV Rheinland biedt ondersteuning bij de typegoedkeuring

2023-11-22 Techniek & producten

HELLA ValueFit BLADE: nieuwe serie LED-hulpkoplampen voor vrachtwagens en off-roadtoepassingen

  • LED-positielicht in opvallende bladvorm trekt de aandacht
  • Voor het eerst amberkleurig positielicht mogelijk voor off-roadtoepassingen
  • Koplampserie is verkrijgbaar in 18 verschillende versies

2023-11-07 Company

Nine-month figures 2023: HELLA grows stronger than the market

  • Reported sales increase by 13 percent; currency-adjusted sales grow by 17 percent to € 6.2 billion \
  • Operating income rises to € 363 million; operating income margin improves to 6.1 percent
  • Net cash flow to sales ratio increases to 0.7 percent
  • Lighting, Electronics and Lifecycle Solutions with strong sales growth
  • Company outlook confirmed

2023-09-29 Company

Bernard Schäferbarthold will become new HELLA CEO

  • CFO Bernard Schäferbarthold to take over as CEO from 1 January 2024, succeeding Michel Favre
  • Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Ziebart: "Bernard Schäferbarthold has already demonstrated his high level of management expertise on several occasions. At the same time, I would like to thank Michel Favre for his excellent work."

2023-07-24 Company

First half of 2023: HELLA accelerates sales growth and increases operating income by 76 percent

  • Group sales rise by 17.3 percent to €4.0 billion, outperforming growth of global light vehicle production by 6 percentage points
  • Operating income amounts to €245 million; operating income margin increases by two percentage points to 6.1 percent
  • Net cash flow to sales ratio improves to 2.2 percent after negative prior-year figure
  • Double-digit sales growth in all Business Groups; Lighting and Electronics develop significantly better than automotive production
  • Company outlook for the fiscal year 2023 confirmed

2023-04-28 Company

HELLA Annual General Meeting 2023 resolves dividend payment of euro 2.88 per share

  • In addition to the regular dividend, the dividend includes the payment of a special dividend after the exit from the HBPO joint venture
  • Annual General Meeting also approves all other agenda items with a large majority

2023-04-27 Company

First quarter 2023: HELLA improves profitability by 10 percent

  • Sales grow by 14.4 percent to €2.0 billion; global vehicle production increases by around 6 percent in the same period
  • Operating income improves to €111 million; operating income margin at 5.6 percent and largely at prior-year level; considerable investments to realize high order volumes
  • Net cash flow in relation to sales amounts to -1.9 percent due to high investments and the significantly improved sales development
  • All Business Groups record double-digit sales growth
  • Company outlook for the fiscal year 2023 confirmed

2023-04-13 Company

HELLA increases sales by more than 14 percent in the first quarter

  • Consolidated sales of HELLA increase significantly to around € 2.0 billion
  • Successful business development is supported by all Business Groups
  • HELLA CEO Michel Favre: "Strong start to new fiscal year underlines excellent positioning along key strategic growth areas"

2023-03-21 Company

Short fiscal year 2022: HELLA once again achieves record level with order intake of euro 1 billion per month

  • Reported sales in the short fiscal year 2022 (1 June to 31 December 2022) amount to €4.4 billion; adjusted EBIT is €222 million; adjusted EBIT margin rises to 5.0 percent
  • High production volumes in the lighting business in China; Electronics Business Group meets the strong demand for product solutions for electromobility and automated driving; Lifecycle Solutions successful in the spare parts and agricultural machinery business
  • Order intake was around €7 billion, especially for key automotive future trends and in strategic growth fields
  • Dividend payment totalling €2.88 per share proposed: continuation of established dividend policy and special dividend after HBPO share sale
  • Outlook for the fiscal year 2023: adjusted sales to be in the range of around €8.0 to 8.5 billion and operating income margin to be in the range of around 5.5 to 7.0 percent; net cash flow in relation to sales at approximately 2 percent

2023-03-13 Onderneming

HELLA breidt serie Black Magic-hulpkoplampen uit met 32 nieuwe lichtbalken

  • Uitgebreide Black Magic-serie maakt indruk met robuust design, aluminium behuizing en uitstekende lichtprestaties; volledig zwarte lichtbalken passen bij elk voertuigontwerp
  • Uitbreiding van het assortiment omvat 14 lichtbalken met ECE-goedkeuring voor gebruik op de weg en 18 lichtbalken voor off-roadtoepassingen

2023-02-16 Company

Preliminary figures and company outlook published: HELLA expects record sales and further improved profitability for 2023

  • Solid performance in short fiscal year 2022 (1 June to 31 December 2022): sales at € 4.4 billion on a preliminary basis; adjusted EBIT margin at 5.0 percent
  • Order intake of around € 7 billion within short fiscal year 2022
  • Successful business development in all Business Groups due to high demand for core products
  • Cost synergies from cooperation with Faurecia under the FORVIA umbrella expected to reach more than € 300 million at the end of 2025
  • Fiscal year 2023: Currency and portfolio-adjusted sales expected to be in the range of around € 8.0 to 8.5 billion and operating income margin at around 5.5 to 7.0 percent; projected net cash flow at approximately 2 percent of sales

2023-02-06 Onderneming

HELLA benoemt Jörg Weisgerber en Stefan van Dalen, twee leidinggevenden uit eigen gelederen, in de Raad van Bestuur

  • Jörg Weisgerber volgt per 1 april Björn Twiehaus op als hoofd van de elektronica-activiteiten van HELLA
  • Stefan van Dalen volgt Dr. Lea Corzilius per 1 april op als nieuwe directeur Lifecycle Solutions

2023-02-06 Company

HELLA appoints Jörg Weisgerber and Stefan van Dalen, two executives from its own ranks, to the Management Board

  • Jörg Weisgerber is taking over from Björn Twiehaus as head of HELLA's electronics business on April 1
  • Stefan van Dalen is succeeding Dr. Lea Corzilius as new Managing Director Lifecycle Solutions also as of April 1

2023-01-13 Company

HELLA significantly increases sales and earnings in the first half of the fiscal year 2022

  • Group sales increased by 25.7% to €3.8 billion in the first six months of the short fiscal year 2022 (H1 FY 22); organic sales growth is 20.8%
  • Adjusted EBIT improved to €202 million; adjusted EBIT margin increased to 5.3%
  • All Business Groups recorded positive business development; Lighting and Electronics had double-digit sales growth
  • The Company outlook for the period 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2023 is confirmed

2022-12-15 Company

HELLA plans to pay a special dividend following the sale of HBPO share

  • Special dividend to be € 2.61 per share
  • Established dividend policy to be continued regarding the regular dividend

2022-12-12 Onderneming

SSL | HD: HELLA breidt leidende marktpositie in chipgebaseerde koplamptechnologieën verder uit

  • s Werelds eerste serieproductie van een SSL | HD koplamp gestart in de vestiging in Lippstadt
  • Totaal aantal orders voor SSL/HD-technologie bedraagt reeds ongeveer € 1,5 miljard na verdere verwerving van grote projecten.
  • Hoge-resolutie, veiligheidsrelevante verlichtingsfuncties kunnen worden gerealiseerd door individuele schakeling van maximaal 25.000 LED pixels per chip.
  • Halvering van ontwikkelingskosten en kapitaaluitgaven aan klantzijde mogelijk door "wereldkoplampaanpak"

2022-12-12 Company

HELLA successfully completes exit from joint venture HBPO

  • 33.33 percent HBPO share successfully transferred to co-shareholder Plastic Omnium
  • Purchase price at € 290 million, including a dividend of around € 8 million

2022-11-03 Company

2022 Capital Markets Day: HELLA accelerates profitable growth under FORVIA Power25 plan

  • Significant market outperformance with annual sales growth of more than 10 percent to over €9.4 billion in 2025
  • Substantial increase in operating margin to above 8 percent and net cash flow to around 4 percent of sales in 2025, supported by strong profitable growth in Electronics and a profitability turnaround in Lighting
  • On track for announced FORVIA sales synergies of €300 million to €400 million and cost synergies of over €250 million by 2025, around half of which attributable to HELLA

2022-10-25 Onderneming

HELLA betreedt hoogspanningsmarkt voor vermogenselektronica met grote klantorder

  • HELLA rust tien verschillende voertuigseries van een Duitse premiumfabrikant uit met hoogspanningsomvormers; productiestart medio 2025
  • Converter fungeert als interface tussen het elektrische hoogspanningssysteem van het voertuig en 12-volt verbruikers en zorgt voor een redundante stroomvoorziening van componenten voor automatisch rijden en andere veiligheidsrelevante functionaliteiten

2022-10-20 Onderneming

HELLA biedt webinar over universele verlichting

  • Doelgroepen zijn werkplaatsen, groothandelaren en andere geïnteresseerden die op zoek zijn naar innovatieve universele verlichtingsoplossingen voor voertuigen
  • Data op 25 en 27 oktober alsook op 2 november 2022; inschrijvingen voor het gratis evenement nu mogelijk via HELLA TECH WORLD

2022-10-12 Onderneming

Award in twee categorieën: HELLA en Hella Gutmann Solutions uitgeroepen tot beste merk in lezerspoll

  • HELLA voor de zesde keer op rij uitgeroepen tot nummer 1 in de categorie lichttechniek en verlichting
  •  Hella Gutmann Solutions opnieuw leider in de categorie beamsetter; onderscheiding bevestigt blijvend vertrouwen in diensten en producten


2022-09-30 Company

Annual General Meeting approves all agenda items with a large majority

  • Dividend of € 0.49 per share approved for the fiscal year 2021/2022; total distribution amount at € 54 million
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ziebart takes over as Chairman of the Shareholder Committee; Andreas Renschler becomes new Chairman of the Supervisory Board; Judith Buss will chair the Audit Committee in future
  • HELLA CEO Michel Favre: "Business development and record order intake show: HELLA's business model is robust and positioned for the future".

2022-09-29 Company

HELLA starts the new fiscal year with double-digit sales growth

  • Group sales increased by 21.6 percent to € 1.8 billion in the first fiscal quarter; adjusted EBIT of € 91 million at prior-year level; adjusted EBIT margin at 5.1 percent
  • Strong demand for HELLA core products and technologies in all three business groups: Lighting, Electronics and Lifecycle Solutions
  • HELLA continues internationalization of business with disproportionate growth in China as well as North and South America
  • Company outlook confirmed despite various market uncertainties

2022-09-08 Onderneming

Automechanika 2022: HELLA ondersteunt werkplaatsen volledig bij de transformatie van mobiliteit

  • E-mobiliteit en geautomatiseerd rijden stellen nieuwe eisen aan onafhankelijke werkplaatsen
  • HELLA biedt uitgebreide product- en serviceoplossingen voor de onafhankelijke aftermarket om veranderingen succesvol te managen

2022-08-18 Company

HELLA significantly outperforms the market in the fiscal year 2021/2022 and achieves record order intake

  • Automotive segment outperforms global light vehicle production by 6.5 percentage points; Aftermarket sales grow by 15.6 percent, mainly due to independent aftermarket business; Special Applications increases sales by 8.3 percent due to strong business for agricultural and construction machinery
  • Consolidated sales of € 6.3 billion only slightly down on the prior-year level; currency and portfolio-adjusted sales at € 6.2 billion
  • Adjusted EBIT amounts to € 279 million due to high R&D capital expenditure and rising cost burdens; adjusted EBIT margin at 4.4 percent
  • Order intake at record level of around € 10 billion; among other things due to numerous orders for forward-looking technologies such as Digital Light SSL | HD, 77 GHz radar sensors and battery management systems
  • Dividend payment of € 0.49 per share proposed for the fiscal year 2021/2022
  • Significant increase in sales and earnings forecast for the next twelve months; nevertheless, market risks remain

2022-08-05 Company

Judith Buss and Andreas Renschler to join HELLA's Shareholder Committee and Supervisory Board as independent members

  • Andreas Renschler is nominated to become Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Judith Buss is nominated to chair the Audit Committee on the board
  • With their election, there would be again three independent members on the Shareholder Committee; on the Supervisory Board, the number of independent members would increase to three
  • These nominations demonstrate the strong independent corporate governance of HELLA

2022-08-02 Company

Automechanika 2022: HELLA presents comprehensive range of products and services for automotive workshops and wholesalers

  • The focus is particularly on solutions for the electromobility megatrend and a wide range of training and service offerings for workshops and customers.
  • Hella Gutmann and Hella Pagid are also represented at the approximately 800 square meter HELLA booth (Hall 9.0, Booth A80/88)

2022-07-28 Company

Prof Dr Wolfgang Ziebart designated for chairmanship of the HELLA Shareholder Committee

  • Prof Dr Wolfgang Ziebart to be elected to the Shareholder Committee, where he will take over as Chairman from Carl-Peter Forster, who is to step down from his position at the end of September 2022
  • Ziebart has excellent industry expertise as well as extensive management and committee experience, enabling him to actively help continue the HELLA success story from his position on the Shareholder Committee

2022-07-28 Company

Exit from joint venture: HELLA agrees sale of HELLA held HBPO shares to Plastic Omnium

  • Further milestone reached in sharpening HELLA‘s profile as a technology company with Lighting, Electronics and Lifecycle Solutions at its core
  • Closing expected in the fourth quarter of 2022

2022-07-20 Company

Preliminary yearly figures: HELLA significantly outperforms global automotive market despite sales decline

  • According to preliminary figures for the fiscal year 2021/2022, currency and portfolio-adjusted sales declined by 2.4% to € 6.2 billion due to lower worldwide vehicle production
  • Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes fell to around € 280 million as a result of consistent investments in future technologies and increasing cost burdens; adjusted EBIT margin at 4.4%

2022-04-29 Onderneming

Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA besluit tot wijziging van het boekjaar

  • Het boekjaarritme wordt met ingang van 1 januari 2023 geharmoniseerd met het kalenderjaar
  • Er wordt een eenmalig kort boekjaar ingelast van 1 juni tot 31 december 2022; het lopende boekjaar 2021/2022 wordt door de wijziging niet beïnvloed en eindigt zoals gepland op 31 mei 2022
  • Aanpassing vergroot de vergelijkbaarheid met andere ondernemingen en met macro-economische en sectorspecifieke kerncijfers; de verslagleggingsinspanning met Faurecia als de nieuwe meerderheidsaandeelhouder wordt eveneens verminderd

2022-04-29 Onderneming

HELLA wil de Business Group Lifecycle Solutions consequent uitbreiden en verder ontwikkelen

  • Op de toenemende vraag naar oplossingen om de levenscyclus van voertuigen te verlengen, zal nog meer worden ingespeeld door gerichte investeringen in de reserveonderdelen- en werkplaatsactiviteiten
  • Met betrekking tot de integratie en verdere afstemming van de activiteiten van Special Applications worden momenteel verschillende strategische opties onderzocht, waaronder een mogelijke verkoop

2022-04-07 Company

Nine-monthly figures: HELLA showing successful performance in a demanding market environment

  • Currency and portfolio-adjusted sales decline slightly by 0.9 percent to € 4.6 billion over the first nine months of the fiscal year 2021/2022; reported sales increase by 0.2 percent
  • Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes decrease to € 238 million; adjusted EBIT margin is 5.1 percent
  • Automotive sales significantly exceed general market development; successful spare parts business drives Aftermarket sales, workshop business also with sales rise; Special Applications benefiting from continuing strong business for agricultural and construction machinery
  • HELLA confirms the company outlook adjusted at the end of November 2021; great risks and uncertainties arising from war in Ukraine, resource shortages and the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, especially in China

2022-02-25 Company

Personnel changes in the HELLA Management Board:Michel Favre becomes Chief Executive Officer, Yves Andres takes over the Lighting Business Group

  • As of July 1, 2022, Michel Favre will succeed HELLA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Rolf Breidenbach, who will continue to support the company in an advisory capacity
  • Yves Andres will join the HELLA Management Board on April 15, 2022, where he will take over the management of the Lighting Business Group from Dr. Frank Huber after a transition period
  • Carl-Peter Forster, Chairman of the HELLA Shareholder Committee, thanks the departing members of the Management Board and is pleased to welcome two very experienced executives in Michel Favre and Yves Andres, who will continue the company's successful path

2022-02-10 Company

HELLA and Faurecia cooperate in the independent aftermarket business

  • Automotive suppliers pool their high level of expertise in the area of original equipment and act jointly in the aftermarket
  • Workshops and wholesalers benefit from a powerful service offering and an expanded product range
  • Cooperation starts in the area of exhaust systems; successive expansion of product range planned

2022-02-07 Company

HELLA and Faurecia set the course for a joint future

  • Together, Faurecia and HELLA form the seventh largest automotive supplier worldwide and a global market leader in high-growth technology fields
  • Representatives of Faurecia move into HELLA's Shareholder Committee in place of the previous representatives of the Family pool
  • Initial decisions made related to organizational structures
  • HELLA CEO Dr. Rolf Breidenbach will continue to closely support the integration until his resignation end of June 2022 and has accepted to advise the de factor Group beyond that date

2022-02-07 Company

Faurecia and HELLA announce the name of the world’s seventh largest automotive supplier: FORVIA

2022-02-04 Company

Dr. Rolf Breidenbach will end his position as Chairman of the HELLA Management Board by mutual agreement at mid-year

  • CEO Dr. Rolf Breidenbach and HELLA Shareholders' Committee have agreed to terminate the current CEO contract by mutual agreement on June 30, 2022
  • "With Faurecia as HELLA's new majority shareholder, the way is now paved for a successful future," says Dr. Breidenbach
  • Chairman of the Shareholders' Committee Carl-Peter Forster praises Breidenbach's achievements for the company over the past 18 years and expresses his utmost gratitude to him
  • Dr. Breidenbach will continue to closely monitor the integration with Faurecia until his departure; it is intended that he will continue to support the de facto group in an advisory capacity beyond this date
  • Decision on successor to be made in a timely manner

2022-01-31 Company

FAURECIA is new majority shareholder of HELLA

  • Acquisition by FAURECIA was successfully completed
  • Including the 60 percent share package of HELLA pool shareholders, FAURECIA acquires approx. 79.5 percent of HELLA shares in the course of the transaction
  • The transaction creates the seventh largest automotive supplier worldwide and a global market leader in high-growth technology fields

2022-01-19 Techniek & producten

HELLA Black Magic LED-serie: Hulplichten nu ook verkrijgbaar op de Europese markt

  • Ideaal voor off-road toepassingen met een hoge lichtopbrengst van maximaal 15.000 lumen 
  • Twee onderscheidingen voor beste nieuwe product in de VS

2022-01-18 Techniek & producten

De Coolant Control Hub van HELLA: de revolutie voor thermomanagement in elektrische voertuigen

  • HELLA combineert voor het eerst alle noodzakelijke functies voor een efficiënt thermomanagement in de vorm van een subsysteem
  • Innovatieve 7-wegklep zorgt op elk moment van het jaar voor de ideale temperatuur van batterij, onderdelen en voertuiginterieur en maakt efficiënte warmteterugwinning mogelijk 
  • Dankzij de modulaire aanpak kunnen componenten naar behoefte worden gecombineerd

2022-01-13 Company

HELLA presents half-year results: sales burdened by massive bottlenecks for electronic components, but develops significantly better than the automotive market

  • Currency and portfolio-adjusted consolidated sales fall in the first six months by 2.6 percent to € 3.0 billion (second quarter: -11.9 percent)
  • In the half-year period, adjusted EBIT falls to € 156 million (prior year: € 269 million); adjusted EBIT margin at 5.1 percent compared to 8.7 percent in prior year (second quarter: 4.1 percent)
  • Despite a decline in sales, the Automotive segment posts stronger development than the overall market; strong spare parts and workshop business drive positive development in the Aftermarket segment; Special Applications benefits from positive business for agricultural and construction machinery
  • The forecast for the full fiscal year 2021/2022 was already adjusted on 29 November 2021 due to the business performance to date, the expected lack of market recovery in the second half of the year and increasing cost burdens

2021-12-13 Techniek & producten

Digitale FlatLight van HELLA maakt aanpasbare lichtsignaturen en communicatie mogelijk

  • Innovatieve FlatLight technologieserie wordt voortdurend verder ontwikkeld
  • In combinatie met SmartGlass kunnen individueel schakelbare lichtsignaturen alsmede uitgebreide functionaliteit worden gerealiseerd.

2021-11-29 Company

HELLA publishes preliminary key figures for the second quarter of the fiscal year and adjusts company outlook for the current fiscal year due to expected lack of market recovery in the second half of the year and increasing cost burdens

  • Based on preliminary figures, Group sales decline by around 13 percent to € 1.5 billion in the second quarter of the fiscal year due to ongoing bottlenecks in the global supply and logistics chains
  • Preliminary adjusted EBIT margin falls to around 4.0 percent in the second quarter as a result of rising materials and logistics costs and increased production inefficiencies due to the materials bottlenecks
  • Sales and earnings forecast for the current fiscal year 2021/2022 is lowered further against the backdrop of the business performance to date, the expected lack of market recovery in the second half of the year, and increasing cost burdens

2021-10-06 Techniek & producten

HELLA SOS 360°-waarschuwingslamp: Compacte waarschuwingslamp voor auto en motorfiets

  • Gemakkelijk te monteren waarschuwingslamp met magnetische activering 
  • Flexibel gebruik als zak- of werklamp mogelijk

2021-09-30 Company

HELLA Annual General Meeting 2021: Shareholders approve dividend payment of euro 0.96 per share

  • Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agenda; Management Board, Shareholder Committee and Supervisory Board were granted discharge with a large majority 
  • Subject to the current review of the offer document, the Management Board will support Faurecia's offer to acquire the additional HELLA shares.

2021-09-29 Techniek & producten

De nieuwe multi-functionele full-LED-achterlamp van HELLA

  • Vijf lichtfuncties gerealiseerd in één achterlamp met LED-technologie 
  • "Glowing Body" technologie zorgt voor een opvallende achterlamp
  • Dynamische LED-richtingaanwijzer ondersteunt algemene markttrend

2021-09-28 Company

HELLA with good business development in the first quarter, but massive component shortages lead to considerable burdens

  • Currency and portfolio-adjusted sales improve by 9.5 percent to € 1.5 billion in the first quarter of the fiscal year; reported sales growth of 9.6 percent 
  • Adjusted EBIT increases to € 91 million; adjusted EBIT margin at 6.2 percent 
  • Automotive segment develops significantly better than the market, but is massively impaired as a result of the component crisis; Aftermarket with strong spare parts and workshop business; Special Applications grows due to good business with agricultural machinery manufacturers and further customer groups 
  • Company outlook for fiscal year 2021/2022 lowered already on 23 September 2021 in view of significantly reduced market expectations

2021-09-20 Techniek & producten

LED-technologie in de kleinste ruimte

  • HELLA brengt nieuwe K-LED Nano zwaailamp op de markt​

2021-09-16 Garages & Services

Two awards for HELLA: best brand in the lighting technology and lighting category as well as in the headlamp adjusters category

  • Readers of PROFI Werkstatt specialist magazine voted for HELLA to claim first prize for the fifth consecutive time 
  • Hella Gutmann Solutions leaders in headlamp adjusters

2021-09-09 Company / Garages & Services

HELLA at the Automechanika Frankfurt Digital Plus

Prepare for the future with webinars

2021-09-03 Company / Technology & Products

HELLA presents innovative solutions for the mobility of the future at IAA Mobility 2021 in Munich

  • HELLA contributes to emission-free mobility with innovative energy and thermal management solutions 
  • Increasing the reliability of automated driving functions with next generation 77 GHz radar sensors
  • Wide range of design and comfort options thanks to chip-based headlamp technology and new FlatLight combination rear lamp concept 
  • Hands-free vehicle access thanks to HELLA Smart Car Access with ultra-wideband technology

2021-08-19 Company

HELLA largely recovers pandemic-related losses in fiscal year 2020/2021 and significantly improves sales and earnings

  • Consolidated sales up by 13.3 percent on a currency and portfolio-adjusted basis to € 6.5 billion 
  • Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes more than doubled to € 510 million; adjusted EBIT margin at 8.0 percent 
  • Company management proposes dividend of € 0.96 per share 
  • Automotive segment grows more strongly than the global automotive market; good development in the independent aftermarket stimulates Aftermarket business; Special Applications records strong business with agricultural machinery manufacturers 
  • Despite the still challenging market environment, HELLA is confident about the current fiscal year

2021-08-14 Company

HELLA and Faurecia agree to combine their businesses: Partnership opens additional growth potential

  • Faurecia acquires the 60 percent stake from the pool shareholders of HELLA and announces tender offer to acquire the remaining HELLA shares for € 60 per share 
  • Combination of the two companies creates 7th largest global automotive supplier and a global market leader in high-growth technology areas
  • HELLA focus areas to continue significant investment in research and development and to retain a high degree of operative responsibility 
  • Management, Shareholders’ Committee and Supervisory Board welcome the transaction

2021-07-28 Company

HELLA continues to grow more rapidly than the automotive market even in a challenging market environment

  • According to preliminary figures, currency and portfolio-adjusted sales grew by 13.3 percent to € 6.5 billion in fiscal year 2020/2021
  • At € 510 million, adjusted earnings before interest and taxes were more than twice as high as in the prior year; adjusted EBIT margin was 8.0 percent

2021-07-20 Garages & Services

Cyber Security Management for all mega macs-Users

  • Delay-free diagnostics of secured vehicles 
  • Activations for several vehicle brands currently without additional costs 
  • One single authentication at Hella Gutmann instead of in each OE portal 
  • Applicable instantly without waiting time after registration 
  • Almost 2,000 access unlocks of secured vehicles in a period of six weeks

2021-07-07 Company

HELLA is once again recognized by General Motors as Supplier of the Year

For the third time in a row, HELLA is among the award winners and receives the award in two categories at once this year

2021-06-17 Techniek & producten

HELLA brengt nieuwe werklampen uit de S-serie op de markt

  • Eenvoudig, stabiel en gestroomlijnd: de nieuwe werklampenserie biedt innovatieve LED-technologie met de beste prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Verdere model- en verlichtingsvarianten zijn al in ontwikkeling

2021-06-16 Technology & Products

HELLA strengthens position in radar technology through cooperation with Swedish Tech Company for waveguide antennas

  • HELLA signs license and development agreement with Gapwaves and acquires 10 percent of the company's shares
  • Integration of Gapwaves antenna technology to support development of high-performance radar solutions for automated driving functions
  • Start of series production of the latest generation of radar sensors based on 77 GHz planned for 2024

2021-06-08 Techniek & producten

HELLA: nieuw full-LED-achterlicht voor 24 V truck en trailer

  • Aanpasbaar en duurzaam full-LED-achterlicht creëert hoge herkenningswaarde op de weg
  • Gepatenteerd LED-lichtscherm zorgt voor hoge mate van veiligheid en zichtbaarheid
  • Baanbrekend concept maakt aanpassing van sensortechnologie mogelijk

2021-04-29 Technik & Produkte

"The vehicle interior is increasingly boosting its feel-good factor"

HELLA creates the perfect ambience for luxury class limousine

2021-04-14 Company

HELLA significantly improves earnings in a challenging industry environment

  • Coronavirus pandemic and bottlenecks in global supply and logistics chains hamper industry development 
  • Currency and portfolio-adjusted consolidated sales decrease slightly by 0.3 percent to € 4.7 billion in the first nine months of the current fiscal year
  • Thanks to consistent cost management, adjusted earnings before interest and taxes increase by 10.1 percent to € 373 million; adjusted EBIT margin rises to 8.0 percent
  • At € 312 million, reported EBIT stands at the prior-year level; reported EBIT margin comes to 6.7 percent 
  • Automotive segment achieves slight growth in the third quarter; Aftermarket sees significant rise in profitability; Special Applications returns to sales growth due to strong agricultural machinery business 
  • Company outlook substantiated to the upper half of the forecast ranges raised in December despite increasing market uncertainties

2021-03-08 Garages & Services

Hella Pagid: Product range is growing continuously

  • Expansion of the product range will lead to coverage of more than 7,000 additional vehicle applications in 2020 alone 
  • This covers almost 100 percent of the European vehicle population 
  • Hella Pagid is thus further expanding its position as the leading full-range supplier in the independent automotive aftermarket

2021-02-03 Company

HELLA sells shares in joint venture Mando HELLA Electronics to partner Mando

  • Continuation of active portfolio management 
  • HELLA intends to intensify direct business with South Korean customers and serve them more strongly from its own network on a global basis 
  • Expansion of own activities in South Korea planned

2021-02-02 Company

HELLA successfully completes sale of activities in the front camera software business

Disposal is based on stringent portfolio management; large investments in automated driving to continue unchanged

2021-01-27 Technology & Products

New business sedan car equipped with HELLA lighting technology

Adaptive matrix headlamps provide better visibility

2021-01-20 Techniek & producten

HELLA FlatLight: Optiek kleiner dan een korreltje zout

Innovatieve micro-optiektechnologie van HELLA opent nieuwe designmogelijkheden en functionele voordelen voor achterlicht combinaties

2021-01-14 Company

Thanks to a slight market recovery and strict cost discipline, HELLA sees good business development over the first half of the year

  • Currency and portfolio-adjusted consolidated sales decrease by 2.5 percent in the first half of fiscal year 2020/2021 to € 3.2 billion (second quarter: +4.7 percent) 
  • Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes increase to € 269 million; adjusted EBIT margin improves to 8.7 percent (second quarter: 12.1 percent) 
  • Reported EBIT is at € 94 million due to provisions relating to the programme aimed at increasing competitiveness over the long term 
  • Automotive segment with strong business development in the second quarter; Aftermarket sees significantly improved profitability; Special Applications' sales at prior-year level 
  • Guidance for the full fiscal year 2020/2021 has already been raised in December despite continuing market uncertainties

2021-01-06 Techniek & producten

HELLA ontwikkeld de achterkant van de elektrische Polestar 2.

  • Doorlopend LED-achterlicht dat bestaat uit bijna 300 LED's strekt zich uit over de gehele breedte van het voertuig.
  • Nieuwe lichtanimaties kunnen worden geïmplementeerd via software-update 

2020-12-16 Onderneming

Bereikbaarheid HELLA rond Kerst en nieuwjaar

Op donderdag 24 december en donderdag 31 december 2020 is HELLA Benelux niet meer telefonisch bereikbaar vanaf 16.00 uur. Digitale orders worden verwerkt en verstuurd conform normale procedure.

2020-11-25 Garages & Services

HELLA presents new aftermarket image video

Positioning as partner of the wholesale trade and friend of the independent workshop is to be further strengthened

2020-11-23 Techniek & producten

HELLA versterkt haar marktpositie op het gebied van auto carrosserieverlichting

  • Belangrijke orders van premium- en volumefabrikanten vanwege de uitgebreide systeemcompetentie
  • De ontwikkeling in elektrificatie opent nieuwe ontwerpmogelijkheden

2020-11-19 Company

HELLA strengthens its market position in the field of car body lighting

  • Important orders received from premium and volume manufacturers because of comprehensive system competence
  • Advancing electrification opens up new design options

2020-11-05 Technology & Products

Flat Mounting Solution: HELLA launches compact work lamp series

  • For mounting situations with little space: New work lamp enables flat mounting on the vehicle wall
  • Homogeneous illumination: Better visibility of the working area around the vehicle

2020-09-30 Company

Dr. Lea Corzilius becomes a member of the HELLA Management Board

With Lea Corzilius, an HR expert from the company's own ranks will take over as Deputy Managing Director for the HR department on 1 October 2020

2020-09-29 Company

HELLA sells front camera software business to Volkswagen's Car.Software Org

  • Transaction expected to lead to extraordinary income in the range of approximately € 100 million
  • About half of HELLA Aglaia's employees will transfer to the Car.Software Org of Volkswagen
  • Other business activities of HELLA Aglaia not affected by transaction; role as competence centre for software further strengthened
  • Strict portfolio management continues with sale; HELLA continues to invest in technologies for automated driving

2020-09-25 Company

HELLA Annual General Meeting decides to suspend dividend payment

  • CEO Dr. Rolf Breidenbach: "We want to keep the company as strong as possible and sustainably safeguard our financial flexibility going forward"
  • Shareholders approve all items on the agenda; actions of the management, Shareholder Committee and Supervisory Board approved by a large majority
  • 500 Shareholders and guests follow virtual Annual General Meeting; 86 percent of voting share capital represented

2020-09-24 Company

HELLA begins new fiscal year better than expected

  • Covid-19 pandemic continues to hamper industry development; consolidated sales after currency and portfolio adjustments decrease in the first three months by 10.6 percent to € 1.4 billion
  • Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes fall to € 56 million; adjusted EBIT margin is 4.2 percent
  • The first quarter closes with a reported EBIT of minus € 115 million due to provisions for restructuring measures in Germany (€ 169 million)
  • Automotive segment affected by drop in light vehicle production; Aftermarket with strong workshop business; Special Applications benefits from increased sales in the agricultural machinery business
  • Outlook for the current fiscal year 2020/2021 confirmed

2020-09-07 Company

Aftermarket and Special Applications under new management

  • Stefan van Dalen is responsible for international spare parts and workshop business
  • Christoph Söhnchen is the new Executive Manager for the Special Applications business segment

2020-09-03 Technology & Products

Major order from Chinese original equipment manufacturer: Integrated lighting system solution from HELLA

The "Light Design" package includes all components for complex lighting systems: matrix LED headlamps, light control electronics and sensor technology

2020-09-02 Technology & Products

HELLA implements 24 GHz radar sensor technology in the Suzuki Swift and Swift Sport

Technology supports safety-relevant driver assistance functions, such as "Blind Spot Monitor" and "Rear Cross Traffic Alert"

2020-08-25 Techniek & producten

HELLA lanceert nieuwe full-led verstralers voor vrachtwagens

• EdgeLight positielicht staat garant voor een onderscheidend lichtdesign

• Lichtgewicht met slagvaste behuizing

• Rijden zonder vermoeid te raken dankzij verlichting die lijkt op daglicht

2020-08-14 Company

HELLA presents final figures for the fiscal year 2019/2020

  • Consolidated sales adjusted for currency and portfolio effects fall by 14.3 percent to € 5.8 billion, adjusted earnings before interest and taxes fall to € 233 million, adjusted EBIT margin stands at 4.0 percent
  • Reported EBIT comes to minus € 343 million due to non-cash impairments; dividend payment to be suspended
  • Adjusted free cash flow from operating activities at € 227 million despite the clearly negative market environment
  • Automotive sales fall significantly, but continue to perform better than the market; Aftermarket impacted by market weakness in the workshop and spare parts business; Special Applications impacted by weak business for agricultural and construction vehicles and also by the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Forecast for current fiscal year 2020/2021 reflects the high level of market uncertainty and lower light vehicle production

2020-07-28 Company

HELLA publishes preliminary annual figures as well as outlook and presents a programme to strengthen its competitiveness in the long term

  • Currency and portfolio-adjusted sales decline by 14.3 percent to € 5.8 billion in fiscal year 2019/2020 based on preliminary figures; adjusted EBIT margin comes to 4.0 percent
  • Reported EBIT amounts to minus € 343 million due to non-cash impairments of € 533 million
  • Outlook for the current fiscal year 2020/2021 reflects high market uncertainty and reduced vehicle production
  • Company management decides on a long-term programme for sustainable improvement of competitiveness

2020-06-29 Onderneming

HELLA preferred partner van European Trailer Care

Samenwerking met optimale service voor fleetowners

2020-06-26 Company

HELLA Recognized by General Motors as a 2019 Supplier of the Year Winner

Over thirty years of successful cooperation between General Motors and HELLA

2020-06-19 Company

HELLA and MINTH establish new joint venture in China

  • HELLA and MINTH will cooperate to meet increasing demand for radar-transparent covers (radomes) and illuminated logos
  • Joint venture will be funded by both partners in equal shares and is scheduled to start operations in autumn 2020

2020-06-03 Techniek & producten

RDW stelt nieuwe eisen koplampafstelapparaten 01-01-2021

Naar aanleiding van een onderzoek naar het kunnen verbeteren van de staat van de koplampafstelapparaten stelt de RDW nieuwe eisen in per 01-01-2021.

2020-04-02 Company

Solid business development in the nine-month period, consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic noticeably evident

  • Currency and portfolio-adjusted consolidated sales decrease by 3.7 percent to € 4.8 billion; adjusted earnings before interest and taxes fall to € 347 million; adjusted EBIT margin is at 7.2 percent
  • Adjusted free cash flow from operating activities improves to € 191 million
  • Automotive business burdened by coronavirus outbreak; Aftermarket with strong earnings development; business in Special Applications declines due to market weakness of individual customer groups
  • Company outlook already adjusted due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic

2020-03-31 Onderneming

LET OP: Goede Vrijdag 10 april 2020

Op Goede Vrijdag 10 april 2020 is HELLA gesloten. Bestellingen kunnen op deze dag alleen op elektronische wijze geplaatst worden, en zullen vanaf dinsdag 14 april verwerkt worden. Wij willen u verzoeken de bestelplanning hierop aan te passen en indien nodig op voorhand te bestellen. Alvast bedankt voor het begrip.

2020-03-20 Onderneming

Hella Benelux en Covid-19

HELLA Benelux BV wil u als klant graag zo goed mogelijk van dienst zijn. Tegelijkertijd hebben we de gezondheid van onze klanten en ons personeel hoog in het vaandel staan. Wij hebben daarom de volgende maatregelen getroffen om besmetting met Corona (COVID-19) te voorkomen.

2020-03-18 Company

Business development so far in line with expectations, but adjustment of company outlook necessary due to COVID-19 pandemic

  • On a provisional basis, sales after adjustment for currency and portfolio effects decrease by 3.7 percent in the first nine months of the fiscal year 2019/2020 to € 4.8 billion; adjusted EBIT margin decreased to 7.2 percent
  • Comprehensive set of measures adopted to reduce staff and material costs; short-time work on domestic locations under preparation; further measures expected due to COVID-19 pandemic
  • Adjustment of company outlook for the current fiscal year 2019/2020 necessary due to special market conditions


Het laatste nieuws van HELLA

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Het HELLA concern in een oogopslag

Lees hier:

Beknopt profiel van HELLA , PDF (1,98 MB)

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Daniel Morfeld
Spokesperson / Media Relations
Rixbecker Str. 75
59552 Lippstadt
Phone: +49 2941 38-7566
Fax: +49 2941 38-477545
