FORVIA HELLA breidt de SlimLine-productfamilie uit: introductie van de LED-combinatielamp
Personalisatie naar een nieuw niveau: FORVIA HELLA en Audi zetten nieuwe trend met digitaal koplampconcept voor Q6 e-tron
125 years of FORVIA HELLA: from a lamp manufacturer in Lippstadt to a global technology leader
MAHLE and FORVIA HELLA successfully complete the sale of their shares in joint venture BHTC
Fiscal year 2023: FORVIA HELLA increases sales and improves profitability
FORVIA HELLA ontvangt verdere serieorders voor digitaal Smart Car Access-systeem
FORVIA HELLA: Preliminary figures for 2023 and outlook for 2024 published, competitiveness program for Europe announced
Philippe Vienney appointed new Chief Financial Officer of FORVIA HELLA
HELLA en TÜV Rheinland: Nieuwe "Traffic Rule Engine" software voor autonome voertuigen
HELLA ValueFit BLADE: nieuwe serie LED-hulpkoplampen voor vrachtwagens en off-roadtoepassingen
Nine-month figures 2023: HELLA grows stronger than the market
Bernard Schäferbarthold will become new HELLA CEO
First half of 2023: HELLA accelerates sales growth and increases operating income by 76 percent
HELLA Annual General Meeting 2023 resolves dividend payment of euro 2.88 per share
First quarter 2023: HELLA improves profitability by 10 percent
HELLA increases sales by more than 14 percent in the first quarter
Short fiscal year 2022: HELLA once again achieves record level with order intake of euro 1 billion per month
HELLA breidt serie Black Magic-hulpkoplampen uit met 32 nieuwe lichtbalken
Preliminary figures and company outlook published: HELLA expects record sales and further improved profitability for 2023
HELLA benoemt Jörg Weisgerber en Stefan van Dalen, twee leidinggevenden uit eigen gelederen, in de Raad van Bestuur
HELLA appoints Jörg Weisgerber and Stefan van Dalen, two executives from its own ranks, to the Management Board
HELLA significantly increases sales and earnings in the first half of the fiscal year 2022
HELLA plans to pay a special dividend following the sale of HBPO share
SSL | HD: HELLA breidt leidende marktpositie in chipgebaseerde koplamptechnologieën verder uit
HELLA successfully completes exit from joint venture HBPO
2022 Capital Markets Day: HELLA accelerates profitable growth under FORVIA Power25 plan
HELLA betreedt hoogspanningsmarkt voor vermogenselektronica met grote klantorder
HELLA biedt webinar over universele verlichting
Award in twee categorieën: HELLA en Hella Gutmann Solutions uitgeroepen tot beste merk in lezerspoll
Annual General Meeting approves all agenda items with a large majority
HELLA starts the new fiscal year with double-digit sales growth
Automechanika 2022: HELLA ondersteunt werkplaatsen volledig bij de transformatie van mobiliteit
HELLA significantly outperforms the market in the fiscal year 2021/2022 and achieves record order intake
Judith Buss and Andreas Renschler to join HELLA's Shareholder Committee and Supervisory Board as independent members
Automechanika 2022: HELLA presents comprehensive range of products and services for automotive workshops and wholesalers
Prof Dr Wolfgang Ziebart designated for chairmanship of the HELLA Shareholder Committee
Exit from joint venture: HELLA agrees sale of HELLA held HBPO shares to Plastic Omnium
Preliminary yearly figures: HELLA significantly outperforms global automotive market despite sales decline
Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA besluit tot wijziging van het boekjaar
HELLA wil de Business Group Lifecycle Solutions consequent uitbreiden en verder ontwikkelen
Nine-monthly figures: HELLA showing successful performance in a demanding market environment
Personnel changes in the HELLA Management Board:Michel Favre becomes Chief Executive Officer, Yves Andres takes over the Lighting Business Group
HELLA and Faurecia cooperate in the independent aftermarket business
HELLA and Faurecia set the course for a joint future
Faurecia and HELLA announce the name of the world’s seventh largest automotive supplier: FORVIA
Dr. Rolf Breidenbach will end his position as Chairman of the HELLA Management Board by mutual agreement at mid-year
FAURECIA is new majority shareholder of HELLA
HELLA Black Magic LED-serie: Hulplichten nu ook verkrijgbaar op de Europese markt
De Coolant Control Hub van HELLA: de revolutie voor thermomanagement in elektrische voertuigen
HELLA presents half-year results: sales burdened by massive bottlenecks for electronic components, but develops significantly better than the automotive market
Digitale FlatLight van HELLA maakt aanpasbare lichtsignaturen en communicatie mogelijk
HELLA publishes preliminary key figures for the second quarter of the fiscal year and adjusts company outlook for the current fiscal year due to expected lack of market recovery in the second half of the year and increasing cost burdens
HELLA SOS 360°-waarschuwingslamp: Compacte waarschuwingslamp voor auto en motorfiets
HELLA Annual General Meeting 2021: Shareholders approve dividend payment of euro 0.96 per share
De nieuwe multi-functionele full-LED-achterlamp van HELLA
HELLA with good business development in the first quarter, but massive component shortages lead to considerable burdens
LED-technologie in de kleinste ruimte
Two awards for HELLA: best brand in the lighting technology and lighting category as well as in the headlamp adjusters category
HELLA at the Automechanika Frankfurt Digital Plus
Prepare for the future with webinars
meerHELLA presents innovative solutions for the mobility of the future at IAA Mobility 2021 in Munich
HELLA largely recovers pandemic-related losses in fiscal year 2020/2021 and significantly improves sales and earnings
HELLA and Faurecia agree to combine their businesses: Partnership opens additional growth potential
HELLA continues to grow more rapidly than the automotive market even in a challenging market environment
Cyber Security Management for all mega macs-Users
HELLA is once again recognized by General Motors as Supplier of the Year
For the third time in a row, HELLA is among the award winners and receives the award in two categories at once this year
meerHELLA brengt nieuwe werklampen uit de S-serie op de markt
HELLA strengthens position in radar technology through cooperation with Swedish Tech Company for waveguide antennas
HELLA: nieuw full-LED-achterlicht voor 24 V truck en trailer
"The vehicle interior is increasingly boosting its feel-good factor"
HELLA creates the perfect ambience for luxury class limousine
meerHELLA significantly improves earnings in a challenging industry environment
Hella Pagid: Product range is growing continuously
HELLA sells shares in joint venture Mando HELLA Electronics to partner Mando
HELLA successfully completes sale of activities in the front camera software business
Disposal is based on stringent portfolio management; large investments in automated driving to continue unchanged
meerNew business sedan car equipped with HELLA lighting technology
Adaptive matrix headlamps provide better visibility
meerHELLA FlatLight: Optiek kleiner dan een korreltje zout
Innovatieve micro-optiektechnologie van HELLA opent nieuwe designmogelijkheden en functionele voordelen voor achterlicht combinaties
meerThanks to a slight market recovery and strict cost discipline, HELLA sees good business development over the first half of the year
HELLA ontwikkeld de achterkant van de elektrische Polestar 2.
Bereikbaarheid HELLA rond Kerst en nieuwjaar
Op donderdag 24 december en donderdag 31 december 2020 is HELLA Benelux niet meer telefonisch bereikbaar vanaf 16.00 uur. Digitale orders worden verwerkt en verstuurd conform normale procedure.
meerHELLA presents new aftermarket image video
Positioning as partner of the wholesale trade and friend of the independent workshop is to be further strengthened
meerHELLA versterkt haar marktpositie op het gebied van auto carrosserieverlichting
HELLA strengthens its market position in the field of car body lighting
Flat Mounting Solution: HELLA launches compact work lamp series
Dr. Lea Corzilius becomes a member of the HELLA Management Board
With Lea Corzilius, an HR expert from the company's own ranks will take over as Deputy Managing Director for the HR department on 1 October 2020
meerHELLA sells front camera software business to Volkswagen's Car.Software Org
HELLA Annual General Meeting decides to suspend dividend payment
HELLA begins new fiscal year better than expected
Aftermarket and Special Applications under new management
Major order from Chinese original equipment manufacturer: Integrated lighting system solution from HELLA
The "Light Design" package includes all components for complex lighting systems: matrix LED headlamps, light control electronics and sensor technology
meerHELLA implements 24 GHz radar sensor technology in the Suzuki Swift and Swift Sport
Technology supports safety-relevant driver assistance functions, such as "Blind Spot Monitor" and "Rear Cross Traffic Alert"
meerHELLA lanceert nieuwe full-led verstralers voor vrachtwagens
• EdgeLight positielicht staat garant voor een onderscheidend lichtdesign
• Lichtgewicht met slagvaste behuizing
• Rijden zonder vermoeid te raken dankzij verlichting die lijkt op daglicht
meerHELLA presents final figures for the fiscal year 2019/2020
HELLA publishes preliminary annual figures as well as outlook and presents a programme to strengthen its competitiveness in the long term
HELLA preferred partner van European Trailer Care
Samenwerking met optimale service voor fleetowners
meerHELLA Recognized by General Motors as a 2019 Supplier of the Year Winner
Over thirty years of successful cooperation between General Motors and HELLA
meerHELLA and MINTH establish new joint venture in China
RDW stelt nieuwe eisen koplampafstelapparaten 01-01-2021
Naar aanleiding van een onderzoek naar het kunnen verbeteren van de staat van de koplampafstelapparaten stelt de RDW nieuwe eisen in per 01-01-2021.
meerSolid business development in the nine-month period, consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic noticeably evident
LET OP: Goede Vrijdag 10 april 2020
Op Goede Vrijdag 10 april 2020 is HELLA gesloten. Bestellingen kunnen op deze dag alleen op elektronische wijze geplaatst worden, en zullen vanaf dinsdag 14 april verwerkt worden. Wij willen u verzoeken de bestelplanning hierop aan te passen en indien nodig op voorhand te bestellen. Alvast bedankt voor het begrip.
meerHella Benelux en Covid-19
HELLA Benelux BV wil u als klant graag zo goed mogelijk van dienst zijn. Tegelijkertijd hebben we de gezondheid van onze klanten en ons personeel hoog in het vaandel staan. Wij hebben daarom de volgende maatregelen getroffen om besmetting met Corona (COVID-19) te voorkomen.
meerBusiness development so far in line with expectations, but adjustment of company outlook necessary due to COVID-19 pandemic
Van harte welkom op het nieuwsforum van HELLA. Hier vindt u de persberichten van HELLA BENELUX BV terug.
Vestiging België
Langlaarsteenweg 168
2630 Aartselaar
03 870 36 69
Vestiging Nederland
Celsiusbaan 2
3439 NC Nieuwegein
030 60 95 611
Daniel Morfeld
Spokesperson / Media Relations
Rixbecker Str. 75
59552 Lippstadt
Phone: +49 2941 38-7566
Fax: +49 2941 38-477545