Currency-adjusted sales increase by 0.8 percent to €6.0 billion; reported sales at the previous year's level of €5.9 billion
Mai multeCurrency-adjusted sales increase slightly by 0.8 percent to €6.0 billion; reported sales at €5.9 billion and therewith at previous year's level
Mai multeCopiii și cadrele didactice ale Școlii Gimnaziale nr. 2 din Lugoj încep anul școlar cu mobilier și echipamente IT noi, oferite de FORVIA HELLA
Mai multeAdjusted forecast is caused by lower-than-expected production volumes, customer-related postponements of series launches as well as customer and product mix effects
Mai multeCentrul tehnic cu specific automotive dezvoltă senzori radar, care stau la baza conducerii autonome
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