Automotive relays

Automotive relays

HELLA quality relays have many uses and are always reliable ─ this is what our longstanding original equipment experience and our great production expertise stand for. We produce more than 100 million relays in-house per year. Renowned automotive manufacturers have been relying on the trusted HELLA quality for decades.

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Manualy Oe-No. Universal Parts
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Enter the OE number in the input field. You will usually find the OE number on the spare part itself or in the vehicle documents.

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Your Dealer
Autoteile Krammer GmbH
Lechstraße 1-3
68199 Mannheim
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  • HELLA produces more than 100 million relays per year in-house, providing one of the lowest failure rates of the entire industry
  • The very flexible production (semi-automatic production for smaller series) enables immediate integration of customer requirements
  • OEM experience for more than 50 years

Additional information on our automotive relays

Universal parts – spare parts that are not vehicle-specific

Universal parts – spare parts that are not vehicle-specific

The universal parts catalogue enables you to search for lighting and electrics/electronics products that are not vehicle-specific.

Universal parts catalogue

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Our online catalogue is designed to make it easier for you to search for spare parts. This means that you can, for example, enter the relevant vehicle by using our comprehensive manufacturer list, the type designation or the engine code.

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Brief information as PDF download

Brief information as PDF download

Information on various products in one database.

Brief information

Technical product information

Technical product information

In this database, you will find technical information about our products and certain vehicle systems ─ prepared by experienced technicians and mechanics.

Technical product information

Downloads on individual topics

Flasher units

The HELLA electronics product range comprises many flasher units in various versions for different vehicle models and requirements. All our products impress with their reliable functionality and great quality. Our flasher units of course meet all legal requirements, for example regarding direction indicator failure recognition according to ECE regulations.

Trust HELLA's longstanding electronics expertise also when it comes to flasher units!

Spare Parts Finder
Manualy Oe-No. Universal Parts
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Enter the OE number in the input field. You will usually find the OE number on the spare part itself or in the vehicle documents.

Spare Parts Finder
Simple vehicle identification Also determine spare parts with OE numbers Detailed product information Find wholesalers near you
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Your Dealer
Autoteile Krammer GmbH
Lechstraße 1-3
68199 Mannheim
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  • HELLA produces more than 100 million relays per year in-house, providing one of the lowest failure rates of the entire industry
  • The very flexible production (semi-automatic production for smaller series) enables immediate integration of customer requirements
  • OEM experience for more than 50 years

Additional information on our flasher units

Universal parts – spare parts that are not vehicle-specific

Universal parts – spare parts that are not vehicle-specific

The universal parts catalogue enables you to search for lighting and electrics/electronics products that are not vehicle-specific.

Universal parts catalogue

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Our online catalogue is designed to make it easier for you to search for spare parts. This means that you can, for example, enter the relevant vehicle by using our comprehensive manufacturer list, the type designation or the engine code.

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Brief information as PDF download

Brief information as PDF download

Information on various products in one database.

Brief information

Wipe-washer control unit

Quality relay by HELLA - many uses and always reliable. HELLA produces more than 100 million pieces are year in-house -- thanks to optimized production at an attractive price and with one of the lowest failure rates in the entire industry. The wipe-washer interval control device mainly consists of an impulse generator with fixed or variable pulse/pause ratio. Each impulse controlling the wipe-washer engine via a relay causes a one-time left-right movement of the windshield wiper.

Spare Parts Finder
Manualy Oe-No. Universal Parts
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Enter the OE number in the input field. You will usually find the OE number on the spare part itself or in the vehicle documents.

Spare Parts Finder
Simple vehicle identification Also determine spare parts with OE numbers Detailed product information Find wholesalers near you
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Your Dealer
Autoteile Krammer GmbH
Lechstraße 1-3
68199 Mannheim
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  • HELLA produces more than 100 million relays per year in-house, providing one of the lowest failure rates of the entire industry
  • The very flexible production (semi-automatic production for smaller series) enables immediate integration of customer requirements
  • OEM experience for more than 50 years

Additional information on our wiper-washer control units

Universal parts – spare parts that are not vehicle-specific

Universal parts – spare parts that are not vehicle-specific

The universal parts catalogue enables you to search for lighting and electrics/electronics products that are not vehicle-specific.

Universal parts catalogue

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Our online catalogue is designed to make it easier for you to search for spare parts. This means that you can, for example, enter the relevant vehicle by using our comprehensive manufacturer list, the type designation or the engine code.

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Technical product information

Technical product information

In this database, you will find technical information about our products and certain vehicle systems ─ prepared by experienced technicians and mechanics.

Technical product information

Fuel pump relays

HELLA quality relays have many uses and are always reliable ─ this is what our longstanding original equipment experience and our great production expertise stand for. We produce more than 100 million relays in-house per year. Renowned automotive manufacturers have been relying on the trusted HELLA quality for decades.

Spare Parts Finder
Manualy Oe-No. Universal Parts
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Enter the OE number in the input field. You will usually find the OE number on the spare part itself or in the vehicle documents.

Spare Parts Finder
Simple vehicle identification Also determine spare parts with OE numbers Detailed product information Find wholesalers near you
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Your Dealer
Autoteile Krammer GmbH
Lechstraße 1-3
68199 Mannheim
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  • HELLA produces more than 100 million relays per year in-house, providing one of the lowest failure rates of the entire industry
  • The very flexible production (semi-automatic production for smaller series) enables immediate integration of customer requirements
  • OEM experience for more than 50 years

Additional information on our fuel pump relays

Universal parts – spare parts that are not vehicle-specific

Universal parts – spare parts that are not vehicle-specific

The universal parts catalogue enables you to search for lighting and electrics/electronics products that are not vehicle-specific.

Universal parts catalogue

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Our online catalogue is designed to make it easier for you to search for spare parts. This means that you can, for example, enter the relevant vehicle by using our comprehensive manufacturer list, the type designation or the engine code.

Vehicle-specific spare parts

Further technical information

Checking an alternator regulator
Basic Knowledge
Checking an alternator regulator
Function and design of the overrunning alternator pulley explained - including installation instructions for the overrunning alternator pulley on the alternator.
Reading time: 12 minute
NOx-Sensor - Mercedes Benz
Basic Knowledge
NOx-Sensor - Mercedes Benz
If a fault is diagnosed in the NOx sensor when troubleshooting an exhaust gas purification system, this can present a small challenge for a workshop.
Reading time: 7 minute
Media pump
Basic Knowledge
Media pump - design, function and troubleshooting
Find out more about the function and system integration of the medium pump as well as testing and repair options.
Reading time: 7 minute
Generator freewheel function and installation instructions
Basic Knowledge
Function and assembly of the alternator freewheel clutch explained
Function and design of the overrunning alternator pulley explained - including installation instructions for the overrunning alternator pulley on the alternator.
Reading time: 2 minutes
Damage assessment starter motor
Basic Knowledge
Alternator damage assessment
How to diagnose damage to the alternator: from corrosion and short circuits to bearing damage.
Reading time: 1 minute
Damage assessment starter motor
Basic Knowledge
Starter damage assessment
Faulty starter motor? Discover typical causes such as overloading or misfiring and how to repair damage effectively.
Reading time: 1 minute
Check multifunction controller
Basic Knowledge
Check multi-function regulator
Find out how to check the multifunction regulator, measure the generator voltage and ensure that the regulator is functioning correctly.
Reading time: 4 minute
Testing alternators
Basic Knowledge
Checking the alternator
Detailed solutions for problems with the alternator - from testing to troubleshooting, everything for your vehicle workshop.
Reading time: 8 minute
Check the starter
Basic Knowledge
Checking the starter - Causes of failure, troubleshooting
Everything you need to know about typical starter motor faults and how to rectify them - with instructions for testing and repair.
Reading time: 9 minute
Service work on the loading system
Basic Knowledge
Service work on the charging system
Step-by-step instructions for servicing the charging system, including visual inspection and signal testing on the controller.
Reading time: 6 minute

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