
The air-conditioning service in workshops: how to keep your customers cool

When the warmer days arrive, it is then high time for an air-conditioning service. There is, however, a distinction made between the air-conditioning service and the air-conditioning check.

Air-conditioning service – just hot air about nothing?

"It's just another scam to make more money!" Have any of your workshop customers ever sounded off in this way when you recommended that they have their car's air conditioning serviced? Yet a properly functioning air-conditioning system is much more than just an unnecessary extra that is intended to make the cash register ring a little louder: today air-conditioning systems are part of standard equipment in most cars – with good reason. They ensure comfort and safety by regulating the interior temperature to the set number of degrees. If it gets too hot in the vehicle, the driver’s concentration and thus reaction speed both decrease. In a dicey traffic situation, it is precisely this impairment that can make the difference between becoming involved in an accident and remaining safe and unharmed. Regular inspection of the air-conditioning system should therefore be part of a workshop’s standard procedure. If car owners neglect the air-conditioning service, damage can also occur to the components, the repair of which is significantly more expensive than the actual air-conditioning service.

Air-conditioning check and air-conditioning service step by step

Now you have good arguments at hand if once again a customer doubts the necessity of the air-conditioning service. And we’re pleased to have been able to help! Let's carry on now with the specific to-do list, tasks that make up the maintenance and care of the air-conditioning system. This is where we distinguish between the "minor" air-conditioning check and the more extensive air-conditioning service.

With our little refresher course on the subject of air-conditioning services and air-conditioning checks, we hope that you are now well prepared for the summer! And don't forget to drop by the HELLA Academy. There you will not only find the course for the air-conditioning certificate, but also our entire training programme!

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