
Opel Corsa D - Chirping noise coming from the engine compartment | HELLA


Corsa D

Model year: from 2010 onwards

Engine: A13DTC, Z13DTJ, - A13DTC, Z13DTJ

Chirping noise coming from the engine compartment.

If complaints are made about these vehicles that chirping noises coming out of the engine compartment can be clearly heard in the vehicle's interior, a possible cause of the trouble could be the fuel pump.

The noise can be permanent (irrelevant of the speed) or can last for a short time when the vehicle is slowing down (loss of engine speed) between 2000 1/min and 1500 1/min.

With these vehicles, the fuel pump to be installed should have 13252214 as its production number (Spare part no.: 93190773) (For position of the part number see arrow / Illustration 1). If the fuel pump having the production number 13252213 has been installed, this is to be replaced.

The following vehicles are affected by this:

Corsa D

Model: 2010 VIN: up to A4000001/ Engine: A13DTC, Z13DTJ.

Model: 2010 VIN: up to A6000001/ Engine: A13DTC, Z13DTJ.

Additional information:

Even if the correct fuel pump has been installed, the fuel return line is also to be checked. This could be an additional source of the noise development (Spare part no.: 55565103) and should be exchanged for another fuel return line (Spare part no.: 5583597) in order to remove and rectify this second possible cause of generating noise in the engine.

In order to check the production number or the spare part number of the fuel pump / fuel return line, please proceed as follows:

- Remove rear seating.

- Lift up felt covering / service cover (see picture 1).

- Check the part number of the fuel pump and, if necessary, replace the fuel pump and the sealing ring.

- Check the part number of the fuel line and replace if necessary.


Picture 1


Illustration 1

Further technical information

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