Winter is coming: the ultimate winter checklist for workshops

Winter is just around the corner – and with it the time of warm fleecy jackets, icy roads and a lot of jobs to do in the workshop. And anyone who has ever stood around in the snow wearing clothes that are too thin knows how true this is: the right preparation is everything! Automotive businesses also have to make the right preparations for the cold season. Your customers want to make their vehicles winterproof, with preparations ranging from tyre changes to frost protection. Workshop teams like yours have to be on top form so as to master the icy challenges ahead.

We have put together a winter checklist for you with the most important to-dos so that nothing is forgotten during the stressful winter season. You can tick them off, add to them and, above all, make sure that you are well prepared for the frosty days and the first snows – and that customer satisfaction doesn't slip and fall!

Winter checklist of to-dos - No. 1: Prepare for the tyre changing season

The most important item on the winter checklist: tyres, tyres and more tyres! As soon as the first snow falls, customers will be surging towards you like a horde of "White Walkers" – it's better to start planning now.
Tip: organise appointments for tyre changes in good time. Clear planning and advance communication with customers both help to avoid chaos.
An important check: are the winter tyres in stock? If not, check your stocks early and order more. Nothing is more annoying than having no tyres available in November.

Winter checklist of to-dos - No. 2: Check antifreeze & coolants

When it's freezing outside, cars have to be protected from the winter temperatures. A common mistake: many customers only think about frost protection when winter has already arrived.
To-do: check the levels of antifreeze and coolant in every vehicle with a hawk’s eye. This way, you can warn your customers in good time.
Tip: offer a "winter check" in which you not only check the antifreeze, but also other winter-relevant parts such as the battery, lighting and wiper blades. This not only makes your customers' vehicles safer, but it also really boosts sales into the bargain.

Winter checklist of to-dos - No. 3: Don't forget to check the battery

The cold is the real enemy of the car battery – protect it from an icy death! Cold and damp can really damage a car battery, and nothing is more frustrating than a car that won't start in the morning.
An important check: check battery state of charge during inspections and winter checks.
Extra tip: actively approach your customers if you realise that their battery could soon be giving up the ghost – this will save them and you from getting an unpleasant surprise.

Winter checklist of to-dos - No. 4: Focus on windscreen wipers and windscreen washer system

Many people underestimate the strain on windscreen wipers in winter. Your customers will thank you for clear visibility through their windscreens when the first winter storm hits!
To-do: check wiper blades and the state of the windscreen washer system. Nothing annoys customers more than when the wipers go on strike in the first snowstorm.
Tip: offer winterproof wipers and special antifreeze additives for the windscreen washer system.

Winter checklist of to-dos - No. 5: Check the lighting

Well-functioning lighting is absolutely essential, especially in the darker months of the year. Visibility and safety on the road depend on it.
An important check: check the lighting on every vehicle, especially the lamps, rear lamps and fog lamps, so that your customers shine out like a beacon in the night.
Tip: many customers do not realise how important the right illumination is. You can ramp up safety levels by offering to carry out a light test.

Winter checklist of to-dos - No. 6: Getting air conditioning and heating systems up to scratch

In summer air conditioning is the star, but in winter it’s the heating. Nevertheless, the air-conditioning system is also important in the cold season as it helps to dehumidify the air in the vehicle. A defective air-conditioning system leads to steamed-up windows faster than a dragon breathes fire!
To-do: check the functioning of the air conditioning and heating during all checks. A fogged-up car is not just uncomfortable, it's dangerous.

Summary of the winter checklist: Good planning is half the battle!

Winter may be coming, but with clever preparation and the right strategy, you'll get through it like real heroes. The cold season is not a reason to panic, but an opportunity to put your knowledge, your skills and your resources to the test. With our checklist, you are your customers' best chance of surviving the winter safely.
So, grab your tools, take on the challenges and show winter who's really in charge!


If you have any questions or you need assistance with getting hold of spare parts and accessories, we are always available as a reliable friend of the independent workshops. You just have to concentrate on what you do best – getting vehicles ready to sail through the winter!