To the North Cape at 35 km/h

GPS shows the shortest route during any trip. And at times, the road is the destination.
This is the case when the sense of adventure and curiosity take the upper hand, when 8000 km lie ahead of you and the anticipation of what you will experience en route is as exciting as the destination itself.
Eugen Sauer will be en route with his MB-Trac, (model year 1986), including motorhome, for about two months while traveling at a maximum speed of 35 km/h.
Prior to his trip, the HELLA Academy checked the vintage car's headlamps and adjusted them.
Equipped with auxiliary driving lamps HELLA LED Light Bar 470 Single Twin and Ultra Beam LED II work lights, the right light will accompany him on his trip to the North Cape.
In a few weeks, we will report what Eugen Sauer has experienced.
Learn more about HELLA auxiliary driving lamps and work lights: