
An engineer in the spirit of da Vinci: restoring vintage cars with his heart and soul


Maciej Rzepecki is a very versatile man: he is a passionate aviator, sailor and engineer with a flair for design. But one of his passions burns extra bright: the restoring of vintage cars. We paid a visit to the Rzepecki Auto Jablonna in Poland in order to showcase his skills and those of his team in the 2020 Workshop Calendar.

An old flame never dies - when real passion is involved

With his company Rzepecki Auto Jablonna, Maciej Rzepecki is able to live his dream. He restores vintage cars that go on to take part in legendary international rallies such as the Mille Miglia or the Peking to Paris race. This makes him feel particularly proud. But what drives Rzepecki and his team?

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