
Volvo V70 - Engine warning light illuminates | HELLA


V70 (BW)

Model years: 2007 – 2015

Motor: 2,0 Diesel

Loss of power / Whistling noises /

Engine warning light illuminates

Should a loss of power occur in the above vehicles, an insufficiently fastened hose on the intercooler might be the cause.

Whistling noises in the acceleration phase and simultaneous loss of motor power are frequently an indication for defects or faults in the area of the intercooler. All hose connections should therefore generally be checked for tight fit. In this case, a loose hose on the intercooler exhaust might be causing the problems.

For remedying the problem, dismantle the hose and clean the contact area. Then stick a butyl rubber strip of about 15 cm length to the intercooler exhaust nozzle. The hose may now be remounted and reattached with a new clamp. Finally, check hose for tight fit and conduct a test drive.

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