
Vauxhall Zafira C - Coolant loss | HELLA


Zafira C

Model year: 2012

Engine: A16XNT + A18XER + A18XEL

Chassis no.: C2000001 - C2092707

Coolant loss

If, in the above vehicles, it is found that there is a gradual loss of coolant, this may be caused by the seal between the thermostat housing and thermostat.

As of May 2012, a modified seal has been used in production.

If a leak is found, the following remedial action should be taken:

  • Allow coolant to cool down
  • Drain coolant
  • Disconnect electrical connector from thermostat housing
  • Remove screws (4x) from thermostat housing
  • Remove housing
  • Clean sealing surfaces
  • Replace thermostat and seal
  • Fit thermostat housing
  • Connect connector
  • Refill coolant
  • Bleed cooling system
  • Carry out leak test

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