
Vauxhall Vectra-C, Signum, Zafira-B - Vehicle not starting up | HELLA


Vectra-C, Signum, Zafira-B

Engine code Z22YH

All vehicles to model year 02/2006

Vehicle not starting up.

Poor performance.

Error code P1405

There may be a mechanical fault in the EGR valve

if error code P1405 is read out with the above vehicle symptoms.

In this case, remove and check the EGR valve. If the pintle valve is found to be jammed, the following repair options may be applied. The following work can be carried out as an alternative to replacing the valve.

No EGR valves have been installed in the production factory by the vehicle manufacturer above engine number 11444562 (02/2006->).

For this reason, a cover plate (OE No.: 55562899) is installed instead of the EGR valve. The engine control unit must then be reprogrammed or “EGR valve function” must be deactivated.

The control unit software can only be updated by an authorised dealer.

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