
Vauxhall Corsa D - Interior blower not working | HELLA


Corsa D

Model year: 2007 - 2009

With manual air conditioning system

Interior blower not working

If the interior blower fails in one of the vehicles listed above, this may be caused by a faulty plug connection on the series resistor.

Vehicles with a manual air conditioning system and the following chassis number:

up to W0L0SDL6894298980 (Zaragoza plant)

up to W0L0SDL0896118216 (Eisenach plant)

Proceed as follows to rectify the problem:

  • Take out the glove box
  • Remove the air duct in the footwell
  • Take the plug off the series resistor
  • Check the plug using a mirror
  • If the plug is damaged: Replace the series resistor and use a repair plug set (both available from the authorized dealer)
  • Perform functional test
  • Install air duct and glove box

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