
Seat Ibiza (6F) - High-pressure line of air-conditioning system | HELLA


Ibiza (6F)

Model year: 2017

Chassis no.: -000113 to -012013

High-pressure line of air-conditioning system

If the above vehicles have been in an accident, there is the possibility of the high-pressure line for the air-conditioning system to break and 1234yf refrigerant to leak out as a result.

As the ignition temperature of R1234yf is considerably lower than that of R134a, the line is replaced with a modified version for safety reasons. This campaign bears the code "87F3".

The vehicle manufacturer has already recognized the problem and informed the affected owners. When carrying out maintenance work on the air-conditioning system, ensure that the line has been replaced. To determine if this has happened, look for a sticker labeled "87F3". You can find this sticker in the spare wheel well and/or in the service booklet.

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