
Peugeot 306 - Defective temperature control | HELLA



Model year: 2002 - 2009

All models with an electrically actuated blender flap

Defective temperature control

Blender flap drive

Some vehicles of the type listed above may experience problems with interior temperature control.

This could be due to a defect in the blender flap motor. The drive or adapter plate between the motor and the flap may be damaged.

A repair kit (drive and adapter plate) can be used to restore the flap to full functionality. The dashboard does not need to be removed in order to perform this repair. Depending on the model in question, the center console may need to be removed and subsequently reinstalled. Once repair work is complete, basic setting of the motor/flap controller will need to be carried out.

The necessary spare parts and further information are available from the Peugeot dealer in question.

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