
Nissan Pathfinder - Frozen Evaporator | HELLA


Pathfinder (R51)

Model Year: 2007 – 2010

Frozen Evaporator

Reduced Air Outflow

On the vehicles listed above, it is possible that the evaporator may freeze after long periods of driving, and the air outflow speed from the interior nozzles may be reduced.

A faulty evaporator temperature sensor is the possible cause. If the evaporator temperature sinks to around or even below 0°C, the evaporator freezes. The air flow is slowed.

Proceed as follows to rectify the problem:

  • Read out the error memory
  • Using the measured value blocks, carry out a target/actual comparison of the sensor measured values, or compare the interior temperature with the measured value of the sensor (evaporator must be cooled prior to this)
  • If an error is entered and/or there are deviations, replace the sensor
  • Clear the error memory if required
  • Carry out a function test

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