
Mercedes Vaneo - Radio-controlled central locking system unlocks itself | HELLA



Model year: 2002 to 2005

Radio-controlled central locking system unlocks itself.

If the above fault is complained of in these vehicles, and if the passenger compartment lighting also fails to switch off while driving, there may be a contact problem in one of the sliding doors.

Error code B1101 may be recorded in the error memory for the ‘Comfort, central locking’ system.

- B1101 is synonymous with “Check control line for nut2 of lock”.

This error entry may be misleading, because this control line is not installed on vehicles with radio-controlled locking.

In this case there may be an electrical problem due to excessive tension in the cables in the sliding door causing a wire to come off the contact switch at the bottom. This prevents the control unit from receiving any information for ‘function status, open’ and it therefore activates the associated interior light. If the connection to the door contact switch is broken you will need to replace the switch and reposition the cable set without tension. You should also make sure that the contacts can move freely.

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