
Mazda 3 (BK) - Cooling performance of air-conditioning system inadequate | HELLA


3 (BK)

5 (CR)

Model Year: 2006 – 2009

With air conditioning

Cooling performance of air-conditioning system inadequate

If the cooling performance of the air-conditioning system in the above-mentioned vehicles is unsatisfactory, the installation of an air diffuser and an additional cable with resistor (for the evaporator temperature sensor) can remedy the situation.

When outside temperatures and humidity levels are high, inadequate cooling of air can occur as a result of unfavorable flow conditions. The evaporator then partially freezes up. This can be triggered by a negative characteristic of the evaporator temperature sensor.

Proceed as follows to rectify the problem:

  • Check the refrigerant volume of the air-conditioning system
  • Prepare access to the evaporator box
  • Remove the side cover of the evaporator box (Make sure that the seal does not slip out of place)
  • Mount the diffuser plate set with filter (BP8P-61-J6X) The set is made up of one perforated upper plate and also one lower plate
  • Place the perforated plate in the evaporator box and push it upwards. Insert the lower plate
  • Connect the cable with resistor (BPY1-61-545A) to the evaporator temperature sensor
  • Carry out a function and performance test

Assisted by the additional diffuser, the air flow inside the evaporator box will be optimized, thus bringing about an improved cooling performance.

Installing a cable with resistor alters air-conditioning control and prevents the evaporator from freezing up.

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