Hyundai Terracan - Engine goes into limp-home mode | HELLA
Model year: 2001- 2006
Engine: 2.9 CRDi
Engine goes into limp-home mode
Air in the cooling system
If the engine on the vehicles listed above enters limp-home mode, having a low coolant level or air in the cooling system is a potential cause.
While driving, the engine can suddenly lose power or pressing the accelerator has no effect. The cooling water temperature gauge is usually in the normal range when this happens.
Possible cause:
There is not enough coolant in the cooling system, even though the level in the expansion tank may be high enough. Unscrewing the cap from the thermostat housing makes it clear that the coolant level is a few centimeters below the overflow hose. The temperature sensor (image) is no longer in the water under these conditions. The engine control unit switches the engine to limp-home mode.
To remedy this, the cooling system should be filled and inspected and the cap should be replaced.

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