
Fiat Idea - Activation of the hazard blinking lights without switch actuation | HELLA



All models with manual heating and temperature control

Activation of the hazard blinking lights without switch actuation.

Wird bei diesen Fahrzeugen bemängelt, dass die Warnblinkanlage sich selbstständig einschaltet, kommt als mögliche Ursache ein interner Defekt im Warnblinkschalter in Betracht.

If there are complaints for these vehicles that the hazard blinking lights activate by themselves, a possible cause could be an internal defect in the hazard light switch.

To remedy this problem, check the hazard light switch and replace it if necessary.

In this case, proceed as follows:

- Remove and dismantle the heating control panel (see Fig. 1). Now replace the hazard light switch (see Fig. 2/ arrow), reassemble the heating control panel and reinstall the unit in the dashboard.


Figure 1.


Figure 2.

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The following technical information and tips for practical use have been set up by HELLA in order to offer professional support to automotive workshops in their daily work. The information available here on this website is only to be used by appropriately trained specialist staff.

The reprinting, distribution, reproduction, exploitation in any form and disclosure of the contents of this document, even in part, is prohibited without our express written approval and indication of the source. The schematic illustrations, figures and descriptions are for explanation and presentation of the document text and cannot be used as a basis for installation or design. All rights reserved.

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