
Citroen C1 - Engine cannot be started | HELLA



Model year: 2007 onwards

Engine: Petrol 1.0l (CFA)

Engine cannot be started.

If it is reported that the engine does not start for these vehicles, a defective fuse should be considered a potential cause.

The safety fuse (original part number: 6500FJ) is located on the underside of the fuse box in the engine bay (this fuse is not listed in all circuit diagrams).

If the fuse has blown, the vehicle is entirely without power or power is prevented from flowing from the battery to the on-board electrical systems. Even the error memory cannot be read out.

To correct this, the fuse has to be replaced, the battery has to be checked/charged or replaced if necessary and any error codes that are stored have to be cleared.

Please note:

Prior actions, such as attempts at remote starting or replacing the battery (without testing), cannot do anything to correct the issue.

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