VW Caddy - Engine Turns Itself On When Doors Are Opened | HELLA



Model Year: 05/2012 – 01/2013

Engine Turns Itself On When Doors

Are Opened

In the vehicles listed above, the engine may start itself when the radio remote control is operated or the door latch system is manually closed.


If the vehicle is in gear, it can move by itself (increased risk of accidents).

The affected vehicles (manual transmission) must be parked in neutral with the handbrake applied.

The cause for the problem listed above is an insufficient ground connection. The ground pin is found in the footwell on the front left A-pillar.

The vehicle manufacturer has already addressed the issue and notified the owners of all the affected models. For various reasons, however, it must be assumed that not all vehicles have been checked or modified.

Please inquire about this at an authorized garage. The ground connection will be checked and replaced if required.

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