Opel - Illumination of the malfunction indicator lamp | HELLA


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All vehicles with diesel particulate filters

Illumination of the malfunction indicator lamp

If a customer complains about the above error, this could be caused by the diesel particulate filter. Not least of all, this problem would also cause a lack of power. This complaint has been observed even in vehicles that are used for short trips with many cold starts. The error code "P1901- Particulate Filter Pressure Sensor" could also be stored in memory. In this case, proceed as follows:

- To rule out other error sources, all relevant systems and components should be tested. During the testing, also pay attention to the wiring and check for problem-free contacts (corrosion in the plug connections).

- If no errors are discovered in these parts, the particulate filter should be regenerated by hand.

Caution! Follow the instructions of the vehicle manufacturer!

- To prevent subsequent damage, the particulate filter must be cold.

- The regeneration process produces high temperatures in the exhaust system! For this reason, do not park the vehicle on combustible surfaces.

To guarantee comprehensive repair, the software should also be updated. Therefore the interval for the regeneration process will be significantly shortened.

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