Opel Corsa C - Engine control light is on | HELLA

Opel Corsa C

Engine code: Z10XE

Model year: 2001–2003

Engine control light is on

Error code: P1405

“Implausible signal from EGR valve”

EGR valveIf the above fault with this error code is detected for this vehicle type, it may be caused by an implausible response voltage from the EGR valve.


The setpoint for this EGR valve as given in the mega macs information is 1.0V. The tolerance for this value is extremely low. If the voltage at the EGR valve is only slightly too high or too low, for instance by as little as 0.1V, it will set error code P1405.

You can install a software update from the manufacturer in the engine control module to enable the EGR valve to tolerate higher voltage deviations.

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