Opel Astra H - Engine not starting | HELLA


Astra H

Model years: 2004 - 2006

With diesel engine: Z17DTH / Z17DTL

With "Quick Heat Heating" (C32)

Battery low / engine not starting

Continuous short distance operation may be the cause in the above vehicles that the engine fails to start due to a low battery.

The root cause may be insufficient power of the alternator.

To remedy this, the instrument (IPC) and the electric heating system can be reprogrammed.

Select the "short distance operation" coding for this.

Vehicles from the following VINs have already been fitted with a modified software at the factory:

W0L0AHL4865196998 – (Antwerp plant)

W0L0AHL3562198267 – (Bochum plant)

W0L0AHL4868144897 – (Ellesmere Port plant)

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