Mazda 3, 6, CX-7 - Engine cuts out while moving | HELLA


3 (BL)

6 (GH)

CX-7 (ER)

Engine code: R2AA (2.2 MZR-CD)

Cruise control not functioning,

engine cuts out while moving

If a complaint is made about the engine in the above vehicles cutting out while moving, this may indicate a defect in the camshaft sensor. In addition, the cruise control does not work, the engine malfunction indicator lamp lights up and the speedometer and/or revolution counter do not work.

The following error code is entered in the engine control module:

  • P0341 meaning:

camshaft position sensor A, cylinder row 1,

sensor/emitter loose, air gap, cable harness.

In order to remedy this, the camshaft sensor and the supply line between the sensor and the engine control module should be checked for interruptions and short-circuiting, and should be replaced if necessary.

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