
Opel Various Models - Insufficient engine power | HELLA


Various Models

Engine : Z16XEP

Insufficient engine power

Engine warning light comes on sporadically

If the error described above occurs in conjunction with the following list of fault codes, a possible cause is clogged/blocked EGR channels (exhaust gas recirculation channel).

Fault codes:

  • P0171 Mixture too lean
  • P0300 Misfire on multiple cylinders identified
  • P0301 / P0302 / P0303 / P0304

Misfire identified on cylinders 1/2/3/4

  • P1300 Fuel tank empty

In order to exclude a defect with the EGR valve (exhaust gas recirculation valve) and also to exclude any other causes of the fault, a check should first of all be run on the periphery of the EGR system.

If no errors are found here, proceed as follows:

  • Read out error memory and delete all existing fault codes
  • Dismantle intake manifold as per manufacturer's specifications
  • Clean the EGR channels in the intake manifold with the appropriate tools
  • Fit intake manifold as per manufacturer's specifications
  • Read out error memory and, if necessary, delete all existing fault codes

Finally a test drive should be carried out and the error memory read once again.

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