Remote service for workshops: automotive support from a distance

If an error code appears when a new headlamp is being installed – instead of spending hours looking for the cause or even having to drive to the nearest regional authorised workshop, you can now simply ask an expert for assistance. Sounds too good to be true? Our macsRemote Service for workshops makes it possible. We can now explain to you how the digital special services work remotely, which tools you need in your workshop and how you can start using the service offered by the HELLA Gutmann Remote Centre.
How HELLA Gutmann's Remote Service works
Data or access authorisations not available? The vehicle is brand new and not yet included in the regular software of the diagnostic device? The appropriate calibration chart unavailable? Software-based, complex vehicle systems can time and again push you to your limits during the daily workshop routine. Up until now that meant this for you: in order to carry out the necessary work, you had to go to an authorised workshop. So does all this mean that good advice is going to be expensive?
But before anybody’s good mood disappears completely, just remember this: we wouldn't be the friend of independent workshops if we didn't have a practical solution for you: and here it is, the remote service for workshops! In contrast to the purely advisory assistance provided by the Technical Call Centre, the HELLA Gutmann Remote Centre, if so requested, takes over, as a service, the individual measures required for the customer's vehicle. Sounds complicated? But it isn’t at all: HELLA Gutmann's experts can use remote access to carry out coding, software activation and calibration – and they can do this on around 70 vehicle makes. In order to do this, they are in contact with you the workshop professionals and also with the vehicle and the manufacturer portal. By the way: many of our HELLA lighting solutions, such as the Matrix LED headlamp, are also compatible with the remote service.
Digital support from a distance: stable internet and a macsRemote device required
Here’s a practical example shown step by step: placing an order for remote service
Let's assume a customer brings a vehicle into your workshop with minor front damage. It soon becomes apparent that you need to replace the HELLA Matrix LED headlamp. Actually a routine job that should be done quickly – which is what you tell your customer. But then comes the nasty surprise: the newly installed headlamp does not work. Instead, the error code "Power module, headlamp right – function faulty" is stored. And this is exactly where the remote service for workshops comes into play – this is how you proceed:
1. You connect the macsRemote device to the vehicle's OBD socket and dial up via tablet, notebook or PC by entering your user ID. The vehicle identifies itself via the VIN. 5. After that, you only have to adjust the headlamp and possibly delete the error memory – all done. The headlamp works, your customer gets the vehicle back on time and you save time and nerves.
Here you can find more information about the HELLA Gutmann macsRemote Service for workshops