Working under voltage: high-voltage measurement with mega macs X and MT-HV

So what is the relationship status between car workshops and e-cars? It's complicated! Let’s be honest: how many of you have wanted to put up the "Closed" sign when an e-car drove into your garage yard? One or two of you will certainly be putting up your hands! And it’s no surprise: electric and hybrid vehicles are considered to be real divas – at least when it comes to maintenance and repairs. Even for routine tasks such as changing tyres, mechanics need a special qualification – and this applies all the more to high-voltage measurement for vehicles with electric or hybrid drives! And indeed not without good cause: the voltages can be potentially life-threatening; in particular, electric shocks and arcs are among the risks you face when working with high-voltage systems. In order to ensure that you are protected in the best possible way, the measurement technology used must also meet the special requirements of high-voltage measurement.
Wait a minute, did someone say something about measuring technology for high-voltage measurement? That's our cue: because you can also rely on Hella Gutmann for work on vehicles with multi-voltage and high-voltage vehicle electrical systems – and you can do that on two counts. In the software version 66 for mega macs X, two methods are now available for selection in the "Guided measurement" section: guided measurements and also individually configurable measurements. And since, as you know, we don't just deliver the cake, but also the cherry on top, you also get clear representations of the measurement results and practical target/actual value analyses. So now you just have to decide which type you are:
The DIY type: configurable high-voltage measurements
You like to keep your hands on the wheel? Then the configurable measurement system is for you: configure potential and insulation resistance measurements for vehicles yourself with your mega macs X and the MT-HV measurement module and select the components of the high-voltage system to be tested from a list of such components or simply add on others manually. A test sequence is then automatically created via the SDI, which you can work through step by step with the help of the mega macs X. The measurement results of the test process can be found in the Car History.
The “comfort” type: guided measurements
"Why complicate things when you can make them simple?" Is that your motto? Then our guided measurements are perfect for you! With this measurement method, you, as a mega macs X user, are guided into the vehicle-specific e-mobility data for "voltage disconnection or de-energising". This data can be read before the actual procedure for de-energising is started. The "dream team" mega macs X and MT-HV then immediately starts the "Guided Measurement" and proceeds to guide you step by step through the vehicle-specific instructions. Using the button on the high-voltage measuring cables, which are connected to the MT-HV module, you confirm every single step you have completed, starting with various safety instructions up to the specification at which measuring points individual measurements are to be carried out. The measurement results are directly evaluated and thus support you in safely carrying out voltage disconnection. The entire process is, of course, documented in the Car History.