
Stay healthy and safe – infection protection in the workshop and at the car showroom


After a partial standstill of public life during the global pandemic, almost everything is still different in many places. In workshops, too, there are always new challenges and uncertainties emerging.

You know the question all too well: how do I protect my colleagues and our customers from infection against the backcloth of the worldwide corona pandemic? This question is important for all of us out of a sense of responsibility towards our colleagues, our customers and society, and of course also to safeguard our own business foundations.

Hygiene is more important than ever in times of corona

To do justice to this responsibility, informed action is required in everyday life with corona. Which parts of the interior of a car are touched particularly often? How can the key handover be carried out?


We want to help you to decide which individual safety measures you can take: for this purpose we have compiled a vehicle hygiene checklist.

Is climate-neutral mobility possible with e-fuels?

We have examined e-fuels more closely and respond to whether new technologies offer an alternative to battery-electric vehicles.

Austria: 2020 workshop calendar

Join us behind the scenes and watch this video to see the photo shoot for Austria's calendar motif

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