Toyota RAV4 - Check Engine warning lamp lights up
Data sheet | |
Manufacturer | Toyota |
Vehicle model | RAV4 plug-in hybrid |
Engine | 2.5i 16 V |
Engine code | A25A-FXS |
Year of manufacture | 2021 |
Symptoms | Check Engine warning lamp lights up |
Recommended HGS tool | mega macs X |
Check Engine warning lamp lights up showing error code P1CCC96
If the Check Engine warning lamp suddenly lights up on the above-mentioned vehicle, this may be related to a fault in the DC/DC voltage converter.
The first step is to read out the error memory using a diagnostic device (e.g. Hella Gutmann mega- macs X).
If the error code P1CCC96 (DC/DC voltage converter, internal component error) is stored, the cause may be the connection of the fastening screws on the DC/DC voltage converter.
A related faulty ground connection can cause the above-mentioned error message. Toyota has issued a statement regarding this, which arranges for the replacement of the fastening screws.
In order to remedy this situation, a specialised Toyota workshop should be contacted. All further action can then be agreed in consultation with the said workshop.

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