Opel Zafira B - Error code P1106 | HELLA
Zafira B
All models with a turbo-charge
Engine power loss.
Error code P1106.
Atmospheric pressure altitude sensor
If there are complaints for these vehicles that the engine jerks, experiences loss of power and the error code P1106 is stored in the engine control unit, it is possible that the cause
of failure is a defective or faulty atmospheric pressure sensor.
Visually check the manufacturer number on the atmospheric pressure sensor. The atmospheric pressure sensor needs to be replaced if the manufacturer number is 261002137.
In this case, Hella sensor -
Hella No.: 6PP 009 400-461 can be used.
Hella Nr.: 6PP 009 400-461 verwendet werden.

Technical note for the atmospheric pressure altitude sensor:
In order to prevent an overrich fuel-air mixture, the injection time is reduced as the sensor voltage increases.