Opel Astra J - error code: P0520, P0521, P0522, P0523 | HELLA


Astra J

Year of construction: 2009-2015

Engine: LBS/A20DTH / LBX/A20DTJ / LBY/A20DTR

Engine oil warning lamp lights up

Error code: P0520, P0521, P0522, P0523

Engine oil pressure sensor/switch

Circuit faulty...

If the above-mentioned error is identified, one possible cause may be a faulty signal evaluation in the engine control unit.

In order to exclude any other sources of interference, first of all a check should be carried out on the periphery (power supply, engine oil level, sensor, etc.)

If then no errors are found and all the measured values correspond to the specifications, a software update of the engine control unit is required.

The update can be carried out, for example, via macsRemote Services or with a pass-thru-capable diagnostic device of the Mega Macs series and

registered access to the vehicle manufacturer's online portal.

If no appropriate equipment is available, please contact an authorised workshop.

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