Opel Astra J - Engine does not start or loses power while driving | HELLA


Astra J

Model year: 2012

Engine: A17DTC (LUE) A17DTE (LKR) A17DTF (LKR)

Engine does not start or loses power while driving

Error code: P02E4

This indicates the following: intake air-flap actuator jams when opened, a mechanical fault.

If the error code is linked with the above-mentioned problem, this can mean that moisture is present in the air-intake system.

If condensation finds its way from the charge air cooler into the throttle body, it can freeze there, an occurrence which can, in turn, lead to mechanical damage being done.

In order to remedy the situation, the following steps should be taken:

  • Dismantle the throttle body housing and clean it
  • Disassemble the charge air cooler
  • Remove water from the charge air cooler
  • Clean the charge air cooler and dry with compressed air
  • Check throttle blades and clean
  • Assemble charge air cooler
  • Assemble throttle body housing and,

if necessary, reprogram

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