Opel Astra-H - Engine overheats / defective thermostat | HELLA



Model year: 2009 - 2010

Engine: Z16XEP+Z16XER+Z18XER+A16XER+A18XE

Engine overheats / defective thermostat

The above vehicles can experience engine overheating due to a defective coolant thermostat.

Micro-cracks in the thermostat housing can allow wax filling to escape so that the thermostat no longer opens. In extreme cases, this could lead to engine damage.

Starting with the following

vehicle identification numbers, an improved thermostat has already been installed at the plant by the vehicle manufacturer:

Ellesmere Port plant, VIN: W0L0AHL4898064174

Antwerp plant, VIN: W0L0AHL3595075590

Bochum plant, VIN: W0L0AHL4892123247

Gliwice plant, VIN: W0L0AHM 759G088319

Please keep this information in mind, especially if there are complaints with regard to engine/coolant temperature.

Tip: If the vehicle falls within the affected range of vehicle identification numbers, the thermostat should be replaced as a precaution even if there are no complaints like those above.

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