Mercedes Benz M-Class - Irregular engine running | HELLA

Mercedes Benz

M-Class (163)

Model year: 1999 – 2004

Engine: 612,963

All models

Irregular engine running

Error code: P1187

Common rail pressure is too high/low

If the above fault code is read in the fault memory of this vehicle model's ECU, this may be associated with a defect in the fuel filter. Air inclusions in the fuel line after the filter can lead to a lack of fuel flow.

In this case, the fuel supply should be checked and the fuel filter should be replaced if necessary.

The vehicle manufacturer offers a modified fuel filter in the spare parts program.

Spare part number:

Fuel filter A 611 092 00 01

Fuel filter (bio diesel) A 611 092 00 01

Afterwards clear the fault memory entry using a diagnostic instrument.

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