
Mercedes Benz E- class - Engine warning light comes on

Mercedes Benz

E- class (W 211)

All vehicles with engine code

Engine warning light comes on

If a customer complains about the above problem, this could be caused by the servo motor for the swirl flaps (see Fig. 1). Oil may reach the servo motor through the air hose. Under certain circumstances this can cause a short circuit inside the servo motor. This causes the engine to go into emergency mode, resulting in fault code entries for the servomotor. In addition, the fuses for the motor control unit (F43, F44, Fig. 2) may blow. They are located in the fuse box in the engine compartment. The fuse box is located on the front left, near the splash wall. In this case, the servo motor must be replaced. Furthermore, the oil deposits in the turbocharger hose should be removed and the fuses should be replaced if necessary. Clear the fault codes after the repair.

Mercedes Benz E- class - Engine warning light comes on

Fig. 1

Mercedes Benz E- class - Engine warning light comes on

Fig. 2

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