Lancia Musa - Lighting up of the engine warning light | HELLA
All models:
Chassis number: 1039844 – 1047932
Engine code:
Lighting up of the engine warning light.
If complaints are made with these vehicles that the engine warning light (MIL) comes on and if the P0180 fault code is also stored in the fault code memory, a possible cause of the problem can be traced to bad contact on the fuel temperature sensor.
The P0180 fault code is the same as the malfunction in question: (Circuit, cable harness, fuel temperature sensor, engine control unit).
In addition, the fuel filter housing is to be visually checked for various points including the date of manufacture (Photo / label, see dotted arrow). If the date code is 2835, the fuel filter housing is to be replaced.
Fuel filter housing:
Spare part no.: 46849581
Engine code:188A9.000
Spare part no.: 46849581
Engine code:188B2.000 up to model year → 03/06
Spare part no.: 51772541
Engine code:188B2.000 from model year 03/06 →
Please note: Checks are to be run to ensure that everything is properly plugged in (Position / see arrow).