Fiat Ducato series 3 - Central locking system malfunction | HELLA
Ducato series 3
Type 250
Model year: 2006 – 2011
All models with sliding door
Complaints regarding a malfunction of the central locking system in these vehicles may be associated with an incorrectly positioned or jammed positioning pin in the sliding door's contact plate in the C-pillar.
(See figure).
In this case, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the sliding door contact plate.
2. Check the contact pin of the sliding door's locking detection and provide access to it. The positioning pin must be freely movable after multiple actuations and completely protrude from the plate.
3. Reinstall the sliding door contact plate.
4. Finally check the sliding door's counter contact for electrical continuity and mechanical function. Clean contact surfaces if necessary.
5. Close sliding door and check the central locking system's correct function.
In addition to the mentioned defect, other complaints may also occur.
· Interior light permanently ON.
- Door open warning light in the dashboard lights up.