Citroen Xsara Picasso - Engine warning light comes on | HELLA


Xsara Picasso

Model year: 2005 to 2007

All 1.8l models with secondary air injection.

Engine warning light comes on

If the error listed above is reported and error code P0410 is output, the cause may be a damaged secondary air pump filter.

Error code 'equivalent' to:

- P0410, 'Secondary air injection system malfunction, secondary air pump, secondary air valve, secondary air hoses'.

A damaged secondary air pump filter can result in internal dirt accumulation.

Furthermore, the secondary air control valve/solenoid valve may get stuck in the open position on vehicles that are cold started multiple times in a short period.

In this case, proceed as follows:

- Thoroughly clean the secondary air hose.

- Replace the secondary air pump.

- Check the functionality of the secondary air control valve/solenoid valve and replace it if necessary.

- Clear the error code.

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