In this database, you will find vehicle-specific diagnostic and repair information relating to a variety of fault symptoms. This professional, technical information has been compiled by experienced technicians and mechanics to support automotive workshops with vehicle repairs. You can search the database by entering multiple keywords, for instance the vehicle make, model, relevant system or components, and also filter the information using the categories (for example, lighting, electronics, etc.).
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"P2119 “Throttle valve activation” P2176 “Actuating drive adaptation” If the above fault with the stated error codes is detected on vehicles of this type this may be associated with a faulty plug connection or a fault in the linkage of the throttle unit. "
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Opel Astra H - Faulty signal horn | HELLA Opel Year of manufacture: 2004 - 2010 Faulty signal horn The above vehicles can experience signal horn failure due to a fault in the steering column´s electronic module. The fault often occurs after driving lo"
"Nissan Micra (K13)/Note (E12) - Engine stalls during driving | HELLA Nissan Year of construction: 07/2015 – 01/2016 Engine: 1.2 DIG-S (HR12DDR) Engine stalls during driving In the vehicles listed above, there have been complaints of the engine stallin"
"Engine P8C Engine is losing power, engine diagnostic lamp is lit. If the engine diagnostic lamp signals that the engine is losing power, this may be caused by the brake-light switch being wrongly positioned or incorrectly attached. It is possible that ex"
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Engine: AUY 1.9 TDI Engine warning light illuminates There has been a complaint of a drop in performance during the acceleration phase in the above vehicles. The engine warning light (malfunction indicator light, MIL) illuminates and the following error"
"All models with sliding door Central locking system malfunction Complaints regarding a malfunction of the central locking system in these vehicles may be associated with an incorrectly positioned or jammed positioning pin in the sliding door's contact pl"
"Airbag and ABS indicator lights are on Radio does not function Seat heating does not function Battery charge level is low If the error codes 10665 “Battery monitor faulty”, 24015 “ABS power supply faulty” and 37840 “Airbag power supply faulty” are read"