In this database, you will find vehicle-specific diagnostic and repair information relating to a variety of fault symptoms. This professional, technical information has been compiled by experienced technicians and mechanics to support automotive workshops with vehicle repairs. You can search the database by entering multiple keywords, for instance the vehicle make, model, relevant system or components, and also filter the information using the categories (for example, lighting, electronics, etc.).
"Bulletin © HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Reprinting, distribution, reproduction, exploitation in any form and disclosure of the contents of this document, even in part, is prohibited without our express written approval and indication of the source."
"1 © Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Q3 / 2013 1-1 Bulletin B u ll e ti n Citroen Xsara Picasso All models from 2005 - 2010 Failure of the function of the left headlight In case of complaints about the failure of t"
"1 © Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Q3 / 2013 1-1 Bulletin B u ll e ti n Renault Clio 2, 1, 5D dCi Engine: K9K 704 Model year: 2001 - 2006 Low beam not functioning Defective relay contact If the low beam has fai"
"1 © Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Q3 / 2013 1-2 Bulletin B u ll e ti n Citroen Xsara Picasso All models from 2005 - 2011 Direction indicator switch does not reset automatically. In case of complaints on these ve"
"1 © Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Q3 / 2013 1-1 Bulletin B u ll e ti n Citroen C4 All models with xenon headlights Model years to 10/2006 Bend lighting not functioning If a customer complains about the above erro"
"Bulletin B u ll e ti n 1 © Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Q4 / 2012 1-1 BMW E60 Headlamp fogging Water enters the headlamp If heavy fogging or, in some cases, increased water ingress is observed inside the h"
"1 © Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Q4 / 2012 1-3 Bulletin B u ll e ti n BMW 3 series (E46) All Touring models Model years 2001-2005 Licence plate lights fail If a customer complains about the above error, this i"
"1 © Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Q4 / 2012 1-1 Bulletin B u ll e ti n Citroen Berlingo Model years 2002-2008 Failure of the low beam If a customer complains about the above problem, this could be caused by a fra"
"1 © Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt Q4 / 2012 1-1 Bulletin B u ll e ti n Audi A3 Model years 1997 to 2003 All models Trunk lid lighting not functioning If a customer complains about the above error, this could be "